Business Council

Climate Mayors is a bipartisan network of 350 U.S. mayors demonstrating climate leadership through meaningful actions in their communities. Representing more than 70 million Americans, the Climate Mayors coalition reflects U.S. cities’ commitment to climate progress. Through our Business Council, we connect our growing network of Mayors with strategic private sector leaders who can provide a range of support—from planning to feasibility to financial implementation.

By becoming a member of the Council, you help create a strong pipeline of transformative climate projects. You expand your impact through cutting-edge initiatives advancing equitable climate resiliency solutions.

Climate Mayors will host Business Partners for quarterly virtual roundtables with the Board Chair and Executive Director to deepen your impact and shape the organization’s strategic planning. Partners will also be invited to quarterly mayors-only meetings to listen and learn directly from Mayors and grow brand recognition in the climate field.

  • Bronze ($25,000)

    Single event sponsorship

    • Logo placement on all Climate Mayors event communications

    • Recognition as a Sponsor in Climate Mayors Annual Leadership Meeting event collateral

    • Access to the Climate Mayors Annual Leadership Meeting for one person

    • Access for one representative to the Leadership reception hosted by Climate Mayors’ chair with leading Mayors and Climate Forum speakers for one person *where applicable

  • Copper ($50,000)

    • Logo on Climate Mayors’ website

    • Logo in Climate Mayors’ newsletter

    • Access for leadership and representatives to Climate Mayors Annual Leadership Meeting for one person

    • Access for representatives to the Leadership reception hosted by Climate Mayors’ chair with leading Mayors and Climate Summit speakers for one person

    • Logo placement on all Leadership Meeting email communications

    • Recognition as a Sponsor in Leadership Meeting associated collateral

  • Silver ($75,000)

    • All the benefits of Copper level partnership PLUS:

    • Social media acknowledgment

    • Acknowledgment from dais, with visual showcasing sponsor company, logo and tagline

    • Complimentary advertisement in the Leadership Meeting program

  • Gold ($100,000)

    • All the benefits of Silver level partnership PLUS:

    • Opportunity for brief remarks at the Climate Mayors Leadership Meeting

    • Access for leadership and representatives to Climate Mayors Leadership Forum one additional person (total of two invitations)

    • Access for representatives to the Leadership reception hosted by Climate Mayors’ chair with leading Mayors and Climate Summit speakers for one additional person (total of two invitations)

  • Platinum ($250,000 & above):

    • All of the benefits of Gold level partnership PLUS:

    • Co-branded virtual forum or white paper

    • Access for leadership and representatives to Climate Mayors Leadership Meeting for one additional person (total of three invitations)

    • Access for representatives to the Leadership reception hosted by Climate Mayors’ chair with leading Mayors and Climate Summit speakers for one additional person (total of three invitations)


  • Sector/industry alignment (e.g. solar and ZEV companies, engineering, architecture, energy, transportation, water firms that specialize in climate resilience projects, institutions that finance climate projects or assess climate risks)

  • Demonstrated corporate commitment to climate chang

    • Demonstrated commitment to measure and disclose climate impact and risks

    • Demonstrated commitment to reduce climate impact in line with science

    • Demonstrated investment to finance the global transition to a zero-carbon resilient economy

    • Demonstrated advocacy for strong policy frameworks

  • Majority board approval

    • Climate Mayors’ Executive Director will present each case to the board to vet and seek Leadership Mayors’ approval where appropriate