Community Climate Implementation Fund

Climate Mayors, in partnership with the Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN) and C40 is pleased to open the Community Climate Implementation Fund (CCIF). This new funding opportunity is designed to help communities implement climate action in partnership with local non-profit organizations. 

Who It's For

These awards support Climate Mayors members, USDN members, and C40 cities to promote climate action through implementation between local governments and non-profit organizations. 

How It Works

Climate Mayors is offering $350,000 in awards of up to $40,000 each until all funds are obligated. It is anticipated that between 8-9 awards will be made within the first approximately 6-7 months of this invitation being live. 

Application Timeline

September 18, 2024: This invitation to apply is released.

Post Release - March 30, 2025: Applications will be reviewed as received and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until this initiative’s budget is fully allocated.

*Proposals will be reviewed as received and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until this Invitation’s budget is fully allocated.

To Apply

Please review the below invitation to apply and follow the instructions to submit the attached application and budget forms if you are interested in accessing these resources.

Please reach out to Susanna, Mariana, Kathryn, and Meghan if you have any questions.