Climate Mayors Call for Green and Equitable National Recovery

Letter from Climate Mayors Chair and Co-Chairs

We are at a pivotal moment in our nation’s history. We face one of the greatest opportunities our generation has ever seen both for sustainable and equitable economic growth and for the reduction of greenhouse gases – and we must seize it.

Climate Mayors – a bipartisan network of over 470 U.S. mayors – is playing a leading role to preserve our environment, create well-paying green jobs, invest in clean air, clean water, and clean energy, and uphold the goals of the Paris Agreement at the local level. This commitment remains steadfast even in these challenging times, and we will continue to prioritize policies and programs that help build a better, more sustainable future. Cities across America have long demonstrated that economic growth and environmental stewardship go hand in hand. Now, our federal government can show the world that investments in a zero-carbon economy are investments in the future of our workforce, the well-being of generations, and the resilience of our infrastructure and public spaces. This moment demands that we accelerate our efforts to drive ambitious, systemic change.

Cities throughout the United States are under tremendous pressure. In the face of the immediate crises – as well as the omnipresent threat of climate change – we encourage policymakers to look to local governments and communities to find meaningful solutions to these shared challenges. If fully funded, effectively implemented, and flexible enough to be adapted locally, the policies highlighted in this report will have a lasting impact on our ability to meet the scope and scale of the challenges before us.

This report highlights key policy priorities and local success stories that are contributing to a green and equitable recovery and have a demonstrated track record of creating jobs and building resilience. We would like to thank RMI for authoring the report, and Bloomberg Philanthropies for their long-standing support of Climate Mayors.


Mayor Sylvester Turner City of Houston, TX Chair

Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway City of Madison, WI Co-Chair

Mayor Kate Gallego City of Phoenix, AZ Co-Chair


Local Climate Action and Resilient Infrastructure Letter


Roadmap to a Green Economic Recovery Begins in Cities According to New Report from Climate Mayors