Fast Company: The Biden administration launched 66,000 infrastructure projects. Pete Buttigieg talks about what’s next

I think local government is hugely important, and state government will be very important as well. None of the projects we’re talking about, these 66,000 projects, none of them was conceived here at headquarters. And none of them is being delivered directly by the federal government. We provide the funds. It’s really the state, the city transit agencies, tribes, and others who are making it happen. So I do think that they will continue to lead the way. I remember a few years ago when a number of cities came together on the Climate Mayors—not just U.S. cities, but cities around the world that were tired of waiting for their respective national capitals to catch up on sustainability—and realize that between them they had most of the world’s GDP anyway. I do think you’ll maybe see a renewed season of leadership from the ground up to make sure that things keep happening even if it’s less steady here in Washington.


Smart Cities Dive: ‘We’ve been here before’: What Trump’s win could mean for local climate action


PRESS RELEASE: 415 Mayors and City Councilmembers Urge Congress to Swiftly Pass a Comprehensive, Clean Emergency Disaster Relief Bill for Impacted Communities