Open Letter from Climate Mayors Leadership on the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

Dear Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer,

We, the leadership of Climate Mayors, a network of more than 500 U.S. mayors across the country committed to climate leadership and progress in cities, write urging you to act swiftly to pass the Inflation Reduction Act and deliver critical climate and clean energy investments to communities around the country. While we await bold federal climate action, our cities, frontline communities, and other overburdened communities have had their lives, livelihoods, and homes threatened by the impacts of the climate crisis. This landmark piece of legislation will finally provide local leaders with the resources and tools to implement cleaner, more sustainable, and more equitable climate solutions. Cities have made tremendous climate progress in recent years but we can only go so far – this legislation will ensure our country delivers on our climate commitments to the American people and the world. Passing legislation in Congress remains the surest and most durable path to giving local communities the necessary support to reduce pollution, create jobs, and build clean, affordable infrastructure. Any delay in the passage of the IRA will only exacerbate the problems our cities face because of the climate crisis. We cannot let this opportunity for tangible climate action pass us by.


Sylvester Turner Mayor, City of Houston
Kate Gallego Mayor, City of Phoenix
Satya Rhodes-Conway Mayor, City of Madison


Climate Mayors Statement on the Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act


Climate Mayors Network Announces New Steering Committee Members to Strengthen City Climate Action