Climate Mayors and C40 Cities Shine a Light on EPA's $7B Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Announcement for Expansion of Local Solar Investment

April 22, 2023 – On this Earth Day, Climate Mayors and C40 Cities celebrate the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) award of another US $7 billion from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). The funding adds to the recent announcement of $20 billion for clean energy projects. This final tranche of funding from the Solar For All program has been granted to 60 state, territory, Tribal government, municipality, and nonprofit awardees to help enable over 900,000 low-income households to access affordable, resilient, and clean solar energy. 

The unprecedented program specifically directs funding for states, territories, Tribal governments, municipalities, and nonprofits to support low-income and disadvantaged communities to invest in residential solar power. As cities account for nearly 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions, providing access to affordable clean energy is critical to both local and global emissions reductions goals. 

There is no climate progress without climate justice. Low-income and disadvantaged communities have disproportionately higher energy burdens than the national median. The EPA’s work to support communities and their clean energy transition is vital in securing an equitable and healthy future for all. We look forward to seeing localities activate billions of dollars to deploy community solar projects and close the gap for accessing solar energy.

“Clean energy is a key component to addressing climate change and increasing community resilience. The new Solar For All funding will support historically overburdened communities with clean, affordable, and reliable energy to power a healthier and more sustainable future for American families,” said Kate Wright, Executive Director of Climate Mayors. “We are excited to support our mayors to meet this moment and put this unprecedented funding into action.”

“Funding from the EPA’s Solar For All program will transform lives in cities across America.” said Kate Johnson, Head of US Federal Affairs at C40 Cities. “Projects funded by this program will help alleviate the burden of high utility bills for lower income households and create good jobs - all while slashing climate pollution. We look forward to working with mayors to implement clean energy projects and build a stronger, more inclusive future for all.” 


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