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Climate Mayors Announces New Chair, Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway

At a virtual convening today, Climate Mayors announced new leadership to drive ambitious climate solutions at the local scale

December 14, 2022 — Today, at a virtual convening of the organization’s leadership and press, Climate Mayors announced that Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway will become the next Chair of the network of nearly 500 U.S. mayors across the country committed to climate leadership in their cities. In this role, Mayor Rhodes-Conway will help catalyze urgent action at the local scale to promote climate solutions, set an example of action for leaders at all levels of government, and support greener, safer and more resilient cities across the country. Also announced at the event were the incoming Vice-Chairs: Kate Gallego, Phoenix, AZ; and Justin Bibb, Cleveland, OH.

The 58th Mayor of Madison, Satya Rhodes-Conway was elected in 2019 as the city’s second female mayor and the first out LGBTQ person to serve as Mayor of Madison. In her time as Mayor, Rhodes-Conway has prioritized affordable housing, transportation, climate change and racial equity. She brings to the organization extensive experience in local policy, having worked with mayors across the country for over a decade and served three terms on the Madison Common Council. Under her leadership, Madison has invested in renewable energy consistent with goals for city facilities to be powered by 100% renewable energy by 2030. In addition, the city has invested in a $160 million all-electric bus rapid transit system that will improve mobility, lower transit emissions, take thousands of cars off the streets, and encourage sustainability in both new and existing affordable housing operations to lower bills for residents. The city is also working to rapidly transition streetlights to LED lights, retrofit affordable housing for efficiency and health, and build green infrastructure for stormwater management. On earth day in 2021, Mayor Rhodes Conway announced Climate Forward  – a plan to advance climate action in Madison, rapidly reduce emissions, make the city more resilient, and improve peoples’ lives. 

“I’m honored to serve as Climate Mayors chair at this critical time for climate action in cities,” said Mayor Rhodes-Conway. “Cities have long been our climate leaders, and during my time as Climate Mayors chair, I am eager to work with other Mayors, the federal government, and numerous partners to help ensure that the unprecedented federal investments in climate solutions reach U.S. cities and their residents.”

Mayor Rhodes Conway succeeds Mayor Sylvester Turner, who has been a long-standing climate champion for the City of Houston. In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, Mayor Turner launched Resilient Houston, worked at transitioning the Energy Capital of the World to a clean energy future, and increased the resilience of communities across the city by prioritizing health, job creation, equity, and sustainability. Turner also spearheaded the Houston Climate Action Plan — a science-based, community-driven strategy to make Houston’s transportation networks, building operations, and waste systems as clean and efficient as possible. Under Mayor Turner’s leadership, the City of Houston has committed to purchasing 100% renewable energy and is the largest municipal user of renewable energy in the nation. As incoming Vice-Chairs of the organization, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego and Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb will continue driving city-led climate action to create more sustainable, equitable, and healthy cities for all. Mayor Bibb has a keen focus on environmental justice and equitable access, while Mayor Gallego often takes aim at extreme heat and resilience in their respective cities. Under their leadership, Climate Mayors will continue to catalyze membership and deeply engage cities, while holding the frontline for climate action in the U.S.

“I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to work alongside Mayors Bibb and Rhodes-Conway toward our shared mission at Climate Mayors,” said Mayor Gallego. “Our leadership team will continue to put people first in the fight against climate change. Challenging ourselves and our cities to meet the unique needs of our local communities while driving progress forward in clean energy, adaptation and sustainable innovation.”

“I’m honored to serve amongst seasoned Climate Mayors Gallego and Rhodes-Conway as Vice-chair. Supporting the conditions for climate justice to thrive in Cleveland and in cities across America is a critical step toward creating an equitable tomorrow for all”, said Mayor Justin Bibb.

Read more about the leadership team here. 

About Climate Mayors Representing over 74 million Americans from 48 states, Climate Mayors is a peer-to-peer network of nearly 500 U.S. city mayors who have committed to fighting climate change. Originally founded in 2014 by 3 mayors, the network’s ranks swelled to almost 400 mayors in response to the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement in June 2017. Climate Mayors is committed to accelerating equitable climate action to help each member city achieve their climate goals, while working together city-to-city, with states, and the Biden administration to increase national climate ambition. For more information, please visit our website and follow Climate Mayors on Twitter and LinkedIn.

For media inquiries please contact CLIMATEMAYORS@FGSGLOBAL.COM

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Letters Letters

Climate Mayors and Urban Sustainability Directors Network Joint Letter to House and Senate Leadership Urging End of Year Passage of FY23 Appropriations

Dear Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McCarthy, and Minority Leader McConnell:

First, we want to thank you for your commitment to continue negotiations to potentially move forward with the Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) appropriations legislative packages. We recognize the limited time Congress has to negotiate the end of year spending packages. However, as members of Climate Mayors, a bipartisan network of over 500 mayors committed to climate action, and the Urban Sustainability Directors Network, a coalition of local government sustainability practitioners representing more than 250 communities, we urge Congressional leaders to move forward with final passage of the FY23 appropriations bills to support our local economies, continue to create good jobs, and avoid further uncertainty that weakens our communities.

In addition to our request for Congressional action of passage of the FY23 appropriations bills, we ask you to consider the following top line funding levels for critical energy, infrastructure, and health programs that are vital for continued local climate action:

  • $4 billion for the Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office, along with $562 million for the Department of Energy’s Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP).

  • $2 billion for Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Building Resilience Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program.

  • $75 million to address the health impacts of climate change for the Health and Human Services’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Read the full letter and recommendations therein HERE.


Kate Wright, Executive Director, Climate Mayors

Shauna Sylvester, Executive Director Urban Sustainability Directors Network

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Climate Mayors and City-Led Organizations Submit Letter to EPA on How to Shape the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

Climate Mayors, along with the U.S. Conference of Mayors and National League of Cities, submitted a request for information (RFI) to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on behalf of cities to provide feedback on the program design and implementation of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) passed in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). This $27 billion in funding over the next two years provides a first-of-its-kind national program to mobilize financing and leverage private capital for clean energy and climate projects that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while also emphasizing projects that benefit low-income and disadvantaged communities. The GGRF builds on the successes of state and local green banks and other investment funds that leverage limited public funds to attract private investment while helping to foster an inclusive green economy through job creation and equitable access to low-cost energy upgrades. As organizations who advocate for the investment in local level climate action to achieve our national climate goals, we recommend that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) use the following high-level principles to implement the GHGRF equitably and in alignment with President Biden’s Justice40 initiative (J40):

  • Defining low-income and disadvantaged communities.

  • Ensure funding flows directly to local governments.

  • Coordinate with existing State programs and federal research resources to support technical assistance and capacity building for local governments.

  • Prioritize investments and benefits in low-income and disadvantaged communities.

  • Conduct a gap-analysis to determine eligible projects and maximize GHG reducing projects.

Read the full letter and recommendations therein HERE.


Climate Mayors

National League of Cities

The U.S. Conference of Mayors

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Statements Statements

Climate Mayors Announces New Policy Director to Help City Leaders Navigate Climate Legislation

Meghan Pazik joins Climate Mayors as the new Policy Director to help lead member cities into thoughtful policy creation and program implementation.

November 16, 2022 — Today, Climate Mayors, a network of over 500 U.S. mayors across the country committed to climate leadership and progress in their cities, announced the appointment of Meghan Pazik as its new Policy Director.Pazik joins Climate Mayors after working on Capitol Hill, most recently as a Legislative Assistant for the Office of Congresswoman Julia Brownley (CA-26). Here, Pazik led several climate initiatives, including assisting the Congresswoman on her work with the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis and Natural Resources Committee. Prior to her work with Congresswoman Brownley, Pazik was a Legislative Assistant for the Office of Congressman Sean Casten (IL-06), where she worked across energy and environment programs to pass pertinent climate legislation. Meghan holds an MS in Energy and Climate Policy from John Hopkins University. From Loyola University, Meghan earned a BA in Environmental Studies and BA in Communications.“I am excited to be working with a dedicated network of mayors and diverse stakeholders on climate action,” said Pazik. “Local leaders are at the center of combating the climate crisis. I am proud to help communities across the country implement the largest federal climate investments in history.”

About Climate Mayors: Representing over 74 million Americans from 48 states, Climate Mayors is a peer-to-peer network of over 500 U.S. city mayors who have committed to fighting climate change. Originally founded in 2014 by 3 mayors, the network’s ranks swelled to almost 400 mayors in response to the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement in June 2017. Climate Mayors is committed to accelerating equitable climate action to help each member city achieve their climate goals, while working together city-to-city, with states, and the Biden administration to increase national climate ambition. For more information, please visit and follow Climate Mayors on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Press Release Press Release

Climate Mayors and C40 Cities Provide U.S. Cities with Guidebook to Implement Historic Inflation Reduction Act

The guidebook, supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies, provides cities with guidance on benefits available through the historic $369 billion in federal funding for climate action

Download the full guidebook HERE

 October 28, 2022 – Today, Climate Mayors, a bipartisan coalition of nearly 500 mayors, and C40 Cities, a network of mayors of nearly 100 world-leading cities, released, “Climate Action and the Inflation Reduction Act: A Guide for Local Government Leaders,” a guidebook to help local leaders understand the landmark Inflation Reduction Act and all the resources available to them through the law. The guidebook – supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies – advises U.S. mayors and city staff on the opportunities for local governments, organizations, and businesses to implement the Inflation Reduction Act and address climate change. It highlights where funding could flow directly to cities and where cities will need to collaborate with other partners, including state governments and community organizations, to deploy funding in a way that accelerates climate action and advances equity.The guidebook specifies five key ways in which local governments should leverage the benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act: apply for funding that is directly available to local governments; support and partner with frontline communities to secure resources; assist businesses and individuals to access new tax credits; engage and coordinate with states, tribes, utilities, and ports; and protect against detrimental impacts of new or continuing fossil-fuel facilities. It is intended that when local leaders step into these five roles, impact and efficacy will be maximized for the benefit of the community. Additionally, opportunities for action are broken down into specific sectors to help local leaders understand what specific resources are available. These include: air quality and greenhouse gas reduction, housing, resilience, clean vehicles, and workforce development. Within each area, the guidebook outlines the roles and opportunities for local governments, charting a clear route to bold and effective implementation. And with environmental justice sitting at the heart of local climate advocacy, the guidebook underscores the opportunities and pathways to solidify justice and an equitable green transition in communities.

“As funding becomes available, it is critical for local leaders to remember that cities have a unique position as the level of government that’s closest to people on the ground, businesses and cornerstone institutions. The guidebook serves as a reminder that interconnectivity creates a prime opportunity for collaboration, climate success, and economic prosperity as we combat the climate crisis,” said Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, Climate Mayors Chair and C40 Cities member. “In Houston, this guidebook will help us connect our communities to opportunities, whether it be residents and small businesses looking to install solar panels on their roofs or transition to electric vehicles, or industrial partners looking to decarbonize their operations in the Port of Houston.” 

Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway, Climate Mayors Vice-Chair, said: “The guidebook provides essential direction in ensuring that people who need assistance the most receive it. We can do this by encouraging leaders to educate local businesses and residents on how to access tax credit incentives allocated for electric vehicles, manufacturing, home energy efficiency and more. Equitable allocation of resources is a paramount aspect of the greening of cities now and in the future. The City of Madison is working to leverage the numerous IRA incentives for energy efficiency and renewable energy to expand our existing programs that support upgrades to naturally occurring affordable housing and rooftop solar for homes and businesses.”  

“The Inflation Reduction Act is a historic opportunity for local leaders around the country to boost their efforts to combat climate change and shape the future of sustainable cities and towns,” said Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, Vice Chair, C40 Cities and Climate Mayors Vice-Chair. “This guidebook will help mayors and city staff understand the diversity of resources provided by this law and identify programs to address the specific challenges their communities face. In Phoenix, this transformational package will drive energy efficiency improvements and accelerate efforts to achieve tree equity in every neighborhood by 2030, bolstering resilience to extreme heat and reducing energy bills for Phoenix families.”

“Local climate leadership continues to drive positive change in communities and is essential to accelerating action to meet U.S. climate goals,” said Kelly Shultz of Bloomberg Philanthropies. “Empowering local leaders with data and resources to tackle the climate crisis is a core component of Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Environment program. This guidebook will help cities do exactly that by offering tailored insights for leveraging federal funding to support cleaner, healthier and more equitable communities and economies.” The Inflation Reduction Act opens a critical window of opportunity to implement transformational projects that improve local resilience and sustainability while increasing job creation and energy affordability for communities. Cities have been leading on climate action, but there is still much more to do. With the guidebook, and partnership from the federal government, states and the private sector, cities can lead the way to shaping the clean energy economy of the future.

About Climate Mayors Representing over 74 million Americans from 48 states, Climate Mayors is a peer-to-peer network of over 500 U.S. city mayors who have committed to fighting climate change. Originally founded in 2014 by 3 mayors, the network’s ranks swelled to almost 400 mayors in response to the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement in June 2017. Climate Mayors is committed to accelerating equitable climate action to help each member city achieve their climate goals, while working together city-to-city, with states, and the Biden administration to increase national climate ambition. For more information, please visit our website and follow Climate Mayors on Twitter and LinkedIn.

About C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group C40 is a network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities who are working to deliver the urgent action needed right now to confront the climate crisis and create a future where everyone, everywhere can thrive. Mayors of C40 cities are committed to using a science-based and people-focused approach to help the world limit global heating to 1.5°C and build healthy, equitable and resilient communities. Through a Global Green New Deal, mayors are working alongside a broad coalition of representatives from labor, business, the youth climate movement and civil society to go further and faster than ever before.The current Chair of C40 is Mayor of London Sadiq Khan; three-term Mayor of New York City Michael R. Bloomberg serves as President of the Board. C40’s work is made possible by three strategic funders: Bloomberg Philanthropies, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), and Realdania.To learn more about the work of C40 and our cities, please visit our website and C40 Knowledge Hub or follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

About Bloomberg Philanthropies Bloomberg Philanthropies invests in 941 cities and 173 countries around the world to ensure better, longer lives for the greatest number of people. The organization focuses on five key areas for creating lasting change: the Arts, Education, Environment, Government Innovation, and Public Health. Bloomberg Philanthropies encompasses all of Michael R. Bloomberg’s giving, including his foundation, corporate, and personal philanthropy as well as Bloomberg Associates, a pro bono consultancy that works in cities around the world. In 2021, Bloomberg Philanthropies distributed $1.66 billion. For more information, please visit or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn

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Climate Mayors Announces New Membership & Communication Manager to Support Communication Around City-Led Climate Initiatives

Rachel Paris Joins Climate Mayors as Membership & Communication Manager to provide research and communications insight to empower city-level climate action.

October 13, 2022 — Today, Climate Mayors, the network of more than 500 U.S. mayors across the country committed to climate leadership and progress in their cities, announced the appointment of Rachel Paris as its new Membership & Communication Manager. Paris joins Climate Mayors from Climate Action Campaign (CAC), where she spearheaded communications projects to support grassroots climate action initiatives. Prior to her position at CAC, Rachel held several research and strategic communications roles across the federal policy and advocacy space at American Bridge 21st Century (AB21). Rachel holds a Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Yale University. “After several years of advocacy work at the federal level, I am so excited for the opportunity to work with our Climate Mayors to show we can govern with the urgency the climate crisis requires, '' said Paris. “I'm especially thrilled to work with local leaders, as cities will play a critical role in delivering the full potential of the recently passed climate and infrastructure bills.”

About Climate Mayors Representing over 74 million Americans from 48 states, Climate Mayors is a peer-to-peer network of over 500 U.S. city mayors who have committed to fighting climate change. Originally founded in 2014 by 3 mayors, the network’s ranks swelled to almost 400 mayors in response to the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement in June 2017. Climate Mayors is committed to accelerating equitable climate action to help each member city achieve their climate goals, while working together city-to-city, with states, and the Biden administration to increase national climate ambition. For more information, please visit HTTPS://CLIMATEMAYORS.ORG/ and follow Climate Mayors on TWITTER and LINKEDIN.


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Climate Mayors Statement on the Inflation Reduction Act Celebration Ceremony

After Climate Mayors gathered at the White House to celebrate the signing of the Inflation Reduction Act, Climate Mayors Chair Sylvester Turner and Co-Chair Kate Gallego issued the following statement: It was great to hear from fellow mayors, President Biden, Vice President Harris and others how the Inflation Reduction Act can help us achieve our climate targets and become a model for cities around the country,” said Mayor of Houston, TX and Climate Mayors Chair Sylvester Turner “Climate Mayors and respective cities alike face unique challenges presented by the climate crisis. At last we have the federal resources to confront these threats head on and shape a sustainable, safe and equitable future for our communities.” Phoenix Mayor and Climate Mayors Co-Chair Kate Gallego adds, “cities have been on the frontlines of the climate crisis for decades, so the passage of this historic legislation could not have come soon enough. Climate Mayors thanks President Biden and Senator Schumer for bringing this bill to pass, and we look forward to the bright future of climate solutions, lower energy bills, and job creation to come. As the celebration concludes, the work starts now.”

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Climate Mayors Statement on the Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act

In response to the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Climate Mayors Chair and Mayor of Houston Sylvester Turner issued the following statement:  

“The Inflation Reduction Act is the biggest investment by Congress to address and accelerate climate action in U.S history, and a massive victory for cities and towns around the country. At last, local leaders will be granted the influx of tools and resources needed to combat the climate crisis, create jobs, and address environmental injustice in our communities. Mayors have long been at the frontlines of the climate crisis, doing what we can to move our communities and country closer to the Paris Agreement goals. This bill will be an incredible boost to those efforts. The funding outlined in this bill will allow cities around the country to bolster their clean energy capacity, restore manufacturing jobs, lower energy costs, and address pollution in marginalized communities. This legislation comes not a moment too soon as our cities grapple with extreme heat and an impending hurricane season that grows more devastating with each passing year. Thank you to President Biden, Senator Schumer, and leaders in the Senate and House for working tirelessly to get this bill across the finish line. There’s more to do, but help is finally on the way, and we look forward to shaping the clean energy economy of the future.”

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Letters Letters

Open Letter from Climate Mayors Leadership on the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

Dear Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer,

We, the leadership of Climate Mayors, a network of more than 500 U.S. mayors across the country committed to climate leadership and progress in cities, write urging you to act swiftly to pass the Inflation Reduction Act and deliver critical climate and clean energy investments to communities around the country. While we await bold federal climate action, our cities, frontline communities, and other overburdened communities have had their lives, livelihoods, and homes threatened by the impacts of the climate crisis. This landmark piece of legislation will finally provide local leaders with the resources and tools to implement cleaner, more sustainable, and more equitable climate solutions. Cities have made tremendous climate progress in recent years but we can only go so far – this legislation will ensure our country delivers on our climate commitments to the American people and the world. Passing legislation in Congress remains the surest and most durable path to giving local communities the necessary support to reduce pollution, create jobs, and build clean, affordable infrastructure. Any delay in the passage of the IRA will only exacerbate the problems our cities face because of the climate crisis. We cannot let this opportunity for tangible climate action pass us by.


Sylvester Turner Mayor, City of Houston
Kate Gallego Mayor, City of Phoenix
Satya Rhodes-Conway Mayor, City of Madison

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Statements Statements

Climate Mayors Network Announces New Steering Committee Members to Strengthen City Climate Action

New members will support committee in continuing to catalyze local climate action among Climate Mayors’ 500+ network members

AUGUST 2, 2022 – Today, Climate Mayors, the network of more than 500 U.S. mayors across the country committed to climate leadership and progress in their cities, announced the addition of eight new Steering Committee members to serve as critical voices within the Climate Mayors network and across the country — highlighting urgent and essential climate leadership occuring in cities throughout the United States. The new members of the Steering Committee are: Justin Bibb, Cleveland, OH; Ed Gainey, Pittsburgh, PA; Indya Kincannon, Knoxville, TN; Lauren McLean, Boise, ID; Jeffrey Mims Jr., Dayton, OH; Daniel Rickenmann, Columbia, SC; and Michelle Wu, Boston, MA. The Climate Mayors’ Steering Committee makes clear that mayors across the country have and will continue to step up and lead on climate, regardless of the decisions made at the federal level.

These eight mayors join the Steering Committee with returning members: Tim Keller, Albuquerque, NM; Steve Adler, Austin, TX; Michael Cahill, Beverly, MA; Jim Brainard, Carmel, IN; Mary Casillas Salas, Chula Vista, CA; Eric Johnson, Dallas, TX; Frank Cownie, Des Moines, IA; Jim Hovland, Edina, MN; Lucy Vinis, Eugene, OR; Lioneld Jordan,  Fayetteville, AR; Sylvester Turner,  Houston, TX; Greg Fischer, Louisville, KY; Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles, CA; Satya Rhodes-Conway,  Madison, WI; Jacob Frey,  Minneapolis, MN; LaToya Cantrell,  New Orleans, LA; Buddy Dyer, Orlando, FL; Kate Gallego, Phoenix, AZ; Ron Nirenberg, San Antonio, TX; Jane Castor, Tampa, FL; and Regina Romero, Tucson, AZ.

The Steering Committee works alongside the Climate Mayors’ Chair, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, and Co-Chairs, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego and Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway to continue driving city-led climate action to create more sustainable, equitable, and healthy cities for all. With the addition of these new members, the Steering Committee will continue to catalyze membership and more deeply engage their regions, in addition to showcasing how Climate Mayors are addressing and preparing for climate impacts in cities across the US.

“Cities experience the impacts of climate change firsthand — and local leaders are central to supporting the solutions that will create more climate resilient and equitable communities for the future,” said Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner. “While climate policy stalls at the federal level, cities know we cannot afford to waste time. We must take climate action into our own hands — and the Climate Mayors Steering Committee will lead us.”

“Mayors have long been at the frontline of bold climate and emissions reductions efforts — and our Steering Committee mayors are leading this effort both within our network and in their own communities. We are thrilled to have the support of these new members working towards a brighter future for all,” said Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego.

“As mayors, we know from experience that climate impacts us all. Whether red or blue, big or small, all cities are facing these impacts,” said Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway. “In the face of this challenge, our strength is derived from our diversity of experience. I look forward to working with these new members as we continue to tackle the greatest and most pressing challenge of our time.”

Following former President Donald Trump’s announcement of his plans to withdraw the U.S. from the landmark Paris Agreement in 2017, more than 300 mayors joined the Climate Mayors coalition and pledged to continue working toward meeting the goals of the Agreement within their cities. The bipartisan network has since grown to over 500 mayors, representing cities ranging in size and region — demonstrating the overwhelming support for climate action among the vast majority of Americans.

About Climate Mayors Representing over 74 million Americans from 48 states, Climate Mayors is a peer-to-peer network of over 500 U.S. city mayors who have committed to fighting climate change. Originally founded in 2014 by 3 mayors, the network’s ranks swelled to almost 400 mayors in response to the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement in June 2017. Climate Mayors is committed to accelerating equitable climate action to help each member city achieve their climate goals, while working together city-to-city, with states, and the Biden administration to increase national climate ambition. For more information, please visit and follow Climate Mayors on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Climate Mayors Statement on the Proposed Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 

 In response to the announcement of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Climate Mayors Chair and Mayor of Houston Sylvester Turner issued the following statement: 

 “The proposed Inflation Reduction Act 2022 is a historic advancement for climate and clean energy in the United States. For years, mayors, governors, activists, businesses, and the scientific community have sounded the alarm for bold climate legislation at the federal level. At last, that day has arrived.“ This bill will provide the necessary funding to advance clean energy projects around the country, clean up communities impacted by decades of pollution, help everyday consumers save on their energy expenses, and create millions of jobs. Federal investments in climate and clean energy will finally provide local leaders with the resources and tools to implement their vision for cleaner, more sustainable, and more equitable communities. Cities have made tremendous climate progress in recent years but we can only go so far – this legislation will help ensure our country delivers on our climate commitments to the world.“ Congress must not delay in passing this landmark investment in our clean energy and economic future. The Senate and House must take this bill up swiftly – we cannot wait any longer.” 

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Statements Statements

Statement from Climate Mayors on Biden Administration’s Executive Climate Actions

Washington, DC (July 20, 2022) – Today, following President Joe Biden’s announcement that his administration would be taking steps to address extreme heat and expand wind power, Climate Mayors’ Chair Mayor Sylvester Turner released the following statement: “We thank President Biden for his actions today — both to aid the communities most affected by extreme heat with immediate relief and financial support, as well as to expand our country’s renewable energy infrastructure and ensure affordable, reliable energy in the longer-term. “While the Senate delays critical federal climate legislation, frontline and other overburdened communities continue to have their lives, livelihoods, and homes threatened by climate impacts. As the responsibility to deliver results is once again passed to cities, states, businesses, and non-federal institutions, we know that is not enough – bold, federal action is essential to meet our climate targets and mitigate the worst climate impacts. We must act with a unified purpose to rein in emissions and rapidly scale-up clean energy to ensure a just transition for all.“Today’s actions from the Biden Administration are a welcome step and we urge them to take any other feasible measures to reduce the burden of climate on our communities and build a more equitable, resilient future for all Americans.”

About Climate Mayors Representing over 74 million Americans from 48 states, Climate Mayors is a peer-to-peer network of 474 U.S. city mayors who have committed to fighting climate change. Originally founded in 2014 by 3 mayors, the network’s ranks swelled to almost 400 mayors in response to the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement in June 2017. Climate Mayors is committed to accelerating equitable climate action to help each member city achieve their climate goals, while working together city-to-city, with states, and the Biden administration to increase national climate ambition.

For more information, please visit WWW.CLIMATEMAYORS.ORG.

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Statements Statements

Statements From Climate Mayors Co-Chairs in Response to Supreme Court Ruling on West Virginia v. EPA

June 30, 2022: Today, the Co-Chairs of Climate Mayors released the following statements in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of West Virginia v. EPA:

Mayor of Houston, TX and Climate Mayors Chair Sylvester Turner: “The Supreme Court’s decision is a significant blow to our nation’s ability to combat the climate crisis and protect the health of our most vulnerable communities. But as we have done time and again, local leaders will continue to step in to fill the void and cut emissions, prioritize public health, and ensure environmental justice for all. We urge Congress to support us and to act swiftly to protect community health and our collective climate.” 

Mayor of Madison, WI and Climate Mayors Co-Chair Satya Rhodes Conway: “This is familiar territory for mayors. We have long been at the frontline of emissions reductions efforts and have no intention of slowing down. Meeting the scope and scale of the climate crisis will require actions at every level of government and we hope this decision inspires Congress to act swiftly to pass vital climate legislation.” 

Mayor of Phoenix, AZ and Climate Mayors Co-Chair Kate Gallego: “This disappointing decision is a clear signal that local leaders will need to lead the charge for meaningful action to cut emissions. We will continue to prioritize the health and safety of our communities and environment and urge Congress to take the much-needed and long-delayed steps to get federal climate legislation over the finish line.”  

About Climate MayorsRepresenting over 74 million Americans from 48 states, Climate Mayors is a peer-to-peer network of 474 U.S. city mayors who have committed to fighting climate change. Originally founded in 2014 by 3 mayors, the network’s ranks swelled to almost 400 mayors in response to the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement in June 2017. Climate Mayors is committed to accelerating equitable climate action to help each member city achieve their climate goals, while working together city-to-city, with states, and the Biden administration to increase national climate ambition.

For more information, please visit WWW.CLIMATEMAYORS.ORG.

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Climate Mayors Statement on the Supreme Court’s Decision in West Virginia v. EPA

June 30, 2022 — Today, Climate Mayors' Executive Director Kate Wright released the following statement on the Supreme Court's decision in West Virginia v. EPA: “Today’s ruling from the Supreme Court is a major loss for the United States and our efforts to support climate-resilient and sustainable communities. Cities are on the front lines of the climate crisis and are often the first to feel the effects of dirtier air and unrestrained industries. Many cities like Houston, Phoenix, Madison, Boise, Augusta, Maui, Cleveland, and New Orleans are already taking action to meet ambitious goals to reduce emissions and promote cleaner, more equitable communities. But while mayors are taking bold measures to decrease pollution, their actions alone are not enough. Addressing climate impacts requires reducing emissions in every sector of our economy, across every segment of society—and robust legislative and policy support will be critical to reaching our climate goals and protecting city residents.”

About Climate Mayors Representing over 74 million Americans from 48 states, Climate Mayors is a peer-to-peer network of 474 U.S. city mayors who have committed to fighting climate change. Originally founded in 2014 by 3 mayors, the network’s ranks swelled to almost 400 mayors in response to the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement in June 2017. Climate Mayors is committed to accelerating equitable climate action to help each member city achieve their climate goals, while working together city-to-city, with states, and the Biden administration to increase national climate ambition. For more information, please visit WWW.CLIMATEMAYORS.ORG. 

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Climate Mayors Gather in Reno for Leadership Forum on Local Climate Action

Group released declaration affirming their support for local and state action to reduce emissions and pollution

Reno, NV – June 6, 2022—Last week, Climate Mayors from cities and towns around the country gathered in Reno, NV for the Climate Mayors Leadership Forum. In partnership with C40 Cities, the forum brought together local leaders, Biden Administration officials, and policy experts to share ideas, demonstrate best practices, and celebrate advancements in local climate action and the Cities Race to Zero. At the close of the Forum, the mayors released a declaration of their collective commitment to expand electric vehicles in their cities. “Cities are at the forefront of the climate crisis and mayors across the United States are coming together here to tell our stories, and learn from one another in investing in clean energy, greening our economies, and creating more sustainable and resilient communities,” said Houston, TX mayor and Climate Mayors Chair, Sylvester Turner. “I am looking forward to our continued partnership with C40 Cities and USCM for this meeting to prioritize the work we are doing.”

“It was a pleasure bringing together this group of local climate champions to exchange ideas and chart a path towards a clean, resilient and equitable future,” said Climate Mayors Executive Director, Kate Wright. “Mayors are on the ground confronting the everyday challenges posed by the climate crisis. With the support of the federal government, they are the ones best positioned to confront those challenges.”

“The Climate Mayors Leadership Forum was an exciting opportunity to hear from fellow mayors and officials from the Biden Administration,” said Phoenix, AZ mayor and Climate Mayors Co-Chair Kate Gallego. “Mayors represent a diverse array of communities— each with unique challenges and opportunities— but the lessons learned from each other are invaluable to keep our communities on track to meet our urgent climate goals in the race to a zero-carbon future.”

“I am thankful the Climate Mayors network was able to bring this tremendous group of leaders together to tackle one of the most significant challenges facing our communities and planet,” said Madison, WI mayor and Climate Mayors Co-Chair Satya Rhodes-Conway. “Local leaders know all too well that climate change is impacting lives right now. Fortunately, we have Mayors around the country stepping up to shape a sustainable future for generations to come.”

"C40 is honored to continue to be a partner with Climate Mayors on this critical event," said Laura Jay, Regional Director for North America at C40 Cities. "The Climate Mayors Leadership Forums provides the opportunity for US mayors to discuss their climate challenges and share innovative solutions that are being deployed in cities. These past two years have shown us more than ever how important it is for mayors to learn from each other in the face of challenges such as COVID-19 and climate change. We're happy to continue our work with Climate Mayors to help great healthier, sustainable, and equitable cities across the country."

During the forum, mayors engaged in dialogue with administration officials to highlight city-level climate priorities and how funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law can aid in those efforts. Mayors also held a discussion with Matt Petersen, President & CEO of Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator and Climate Mayor Board Chair, and Nick DePorter, Sr. Lead Manager of Public Policy and Economic Graph at LinkedIn on generating green jobs in their communities. The forum concluded with Mayor Justin Bibb, of Cleveland Mayor LaToya Cantrell, of New Orleans, Mayor Lauren McLean, of Boise, Mayor Hardie Davis Jr., of Augusta, Mayor Steve Adler, of Austin, and Mayor Michael Victorino, of Maui sharing case studies from their cities to highlight building resilience, achieving carbon neutrality, and electrifying municipal vehicle fleets.

About Climate MayorsRepresenting over 74 million Americans from 48 states, Climate Mayors is a peer-to-peer network of 474 U.S. city mayors who have committed to fighting climate change. Originally founded in 2014 by 3 mayors, the network’s ranks swelled to almost 400 mayors in response to the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement in June 2017. Climate Mayors is committed to accelerating equitable climate action to help each member city achieve their climate goals, while working together city-to-city, with states, and the Biden administration to increase national climate ambition.

For more information, please visit WWW.CLIMATEMAYORS.ORG. 

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Statements Statements

Climate Mayors Release Declaration Supporting State's Rights to Advance Electric Vehicles through Tightened Fuel Economy Standards

Resolution follows Climate Mayors Leadership Forum in Reno where city leaders focused on sharing ambitious solutions at local level

June 6, 2022 — Today, Climate Mayors released a declaration supporting states' rights to advance electrification through fuel economy standards after city leaders gathered in Reno for the Climate Mayors Leadership Forum last week. Climate Mayors asserted its unwavering support for the mayors of New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC, and the 19 states that have taken legal action to support states’ rights to set stronger emission regulations. The declaration follows the challenge to California’s decision to set its own auto emission standards, which, if repealed, would increase greenhouse gas emissions and worsen air pollution. Climate Mayors is focused on addressing the largest sources of emissions and pollution in U.S. cities. Recognizing the transportation sector as the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, Climate Mayors launched their EV Purchasing Collaborative in 2018 to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles. The Collaborative has helped cities convert municipal fleets by leveraging the collective buying power of cities to increase EV affordability and access across the country.

Specifically, the declaration states that Climate Mayors:

  1. Agrees with member mayors in New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC— along with the 19 states who all filed a motion to intervene— that California has the right to regulate auto emissions, and that is key to reducing emissions which impact disadvantaged communities the most while helping make EVs more accessible, affordable, and available for everyone.

  2. Supports the renewal and expansion of federal tax credits for EVs, and urges Congress to act.

  3. Supports state plans for EV corridor charging funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that includes: investments in disadvantaged and underserved communities first, EV charging stations designed as multi-modal hubs; Public charging infrastructure; and rewarding states, regions, and cities that pass policies and implement programs to improve affordability of EV ownership and access.

Full text of the declaration can be found below.


We, the Climate Mayors, are 485 mayors strong, both Democrats and Republicans from 48 states committed to equitable climate action. Given that the transportation sector represents the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States and, in many of our communities, the largest source of air pollution— we are committed to accelerating transportation electrification. Many Climate Mayors members have been advancing the use of Electric Vehicles (EVs) in municipal fleets, installing public EV charging, prioritizing shared mobility along with active and public transit. We are also working together to support the growth and development of the EV market.  In 2018, Climate Mayors launched an EV Purchasing Collaborative which has expanded from city governments to include county governments, transit agencies, port authorities, colleges and universities. Collectively, we have committed to purchasing over 4,000 EVs. The Collaborative is an unprecedented cooperation of Climate Mayors cities to leverage their collective buying power and accelerate the conversion of municipal fleets to electric—sending a powerful signal to the global car market and helping America to maintain its commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement. Reducing urban transportation emissions and improving local air quality depends on local action, aligned state laws, and strong federal standards. Since 1968 when California was granted its first Clean Air Act waiver A lawsuit was filed recently in the U.S. Court of Appeals against California’s waiver which allows it to implement its own greenhouse gas emission standards for cars and light trucks that other states can also adopt and enforce., emissions have dropped significantly within the state and the seventeen states that have chosen to adopt its standards. The lawsuit filed against California’s waiver in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by Ohio and 16 other states would increase greenhouse gas emissions— contributing to climate change and inviting threats such as extreme heat, sea-level rise, and worsened air pollution— and increase criteria and toxic pollutants, leading to immediate and acute public health threats. As Climate Mayors, we:

  1. Agree with our member mayors in New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC— along with the 19 states who all filed a motion to intervene— that California has the right to regulate auto emissions, and that is key to reducing emissions which impact disadvantaged communities the most while helping make EVs more accessible, affordable, and available for everyone.

  2. Support the renewal and expansion of federal tax credits for EVs, and urge Congress to act.

  3. Support state plans for EV corridor charging funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that includes:

  • Investment in disadvantaged and underserved communities first in frontline and fenceline communities next to highways and near ports, airports, and other industrial sites linked to the nationwide highway network. 

  • EV charging stations designed as multi-modal hubs that are convenient, safe, and compatible with the movement of people across all modes of transportation, including public transit, sited in locations where the density and land use are consistent with multiple forms of activity and mobility.

  • Public charging infrastructure at city libraries or public parks offers access and convenience for city residents, as well as for city government employees driving fleet vehicles. Installing charging infrastructure within multi-unit dwellings and housing authority properties improves equity of access to electric mobility.

  • Rewarding states, regions, and cities that pass policies and implement programs to improve affordability of EV ownership and access. 

Climate Mayors will continue to take significant steps to advance equitable climate action in our cities and reduce emissions from cars— including electrifying transportation, increasing investments in public transit and active transportation, and expanding shared zero emissions mobility solutions. We will also advocate for state and federal policy to support cities— together in partnership we can improve the health and sustainability of our communities and address the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions contributing to climate change. 

About Climate MayorsRepresenting over 74 million Americans from 48 states, Climate Mayors is a peer-to-peer network of 474 U.S. city mayors who have committed to fighting climate change. Originally founded in 2014 by 3 mayors, the network’s ranks swelled to almost 400 mayors in response to the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement in June 2017. Climate Mayors is committed to accelerating equitable climate action to help each member city achieve their climate goals, while working together city-to-city, with states, and the Biden administration to increase national climate ambition.

For more information, please visit WWW.CLIMATEMAYORS.ORG. 

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Statements Statements

Climate Mayors’ Leadership Announces Hiring of New Executive Director, Commits to Accelerating Equitable Climate Action In Nearly 500 Member Cities

Kate Wright Appointed Executive Director as Climate Mayors Focus on Cities Deploying Historic Federal Investment in EV Charging Infrastructure & Resiliency

March 9, 2022 — The mayoral leadership and board of directors of Climate Mayors—a growing network of nearly 500 U.S. mayors who have committed to accelerating equitable climate action in cities—announced today the appointment of Kate Wright as its new executive director. Wright joins Climate Mayors from CivicWell (formerly the Local Government Commission), where she worked with city and other local government leaders to spearhead environmental initiatives on climate resilience, clean mobility, sustainable water management, livable communities, renewable energy, and affordable housing.

“We are thrilled to welcome Kate Wright as Climate Mayors’ Executive Director. I am confident she will help grow the organization and bring additional resources to help U.S. mayors accelerate equitable climate action in cities,” said Sylvester Turner, Climate Mayors Chair and Mayor of Houston. “Climate Mayors is the leading organization helping U.S. cities meet the urgency of the climate crisis. As we enter our next chapter, Kate’s knowledge and experience working with local leaders will be pivotal in advancing solutions in communities across the country. and working more closely with the Biden Administration to ensure we invest in our communities through E.V. charging and other critical climate action.”

“After the board conducted a nationwide search with hundreds of applicants, we are excited to have Kate help the Climate Mayors meet this critical moment,” said Matt Petersen, President of the Climate Mayors board of directors. “With her decade of leadership at CivicWell and working with local governments, the board is confident Kate will help Climate Mayors attract increased resources, grow an experienced staff, and create dynamic programming.”

“Kate has been a powerful local leader on climate issues, and I know she is the right person to lead Climate Mayors into their next chapter. I’m proud of what we have been able to achieve together for Sacramento and California with CivicWell and the Mayors’ Commission on Climate Change, and look forward to seeing the impact she’ll have with this national network,” said Climate Mayor Darrell Steinberg, Mayor of Sacramento, CA.

Led by Chair and Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and Vice-Chairs Mayors Kate Gallego of Phoenix and Satya Rhodes-Conway of Madison, Climate Mayors has grown since its founding in 2014 from 3 mayors to nearly 500 mayors from 48 states today. The leadership of Climate Mayors has created a new governance structure that includes a renewed steering committee, an expanded board of directors, and annual elections of officers. Mayors Turner, Gallego, and Rhodes-Conway recently met with senior DOE and DOT officials, including Secretary Pete Buttigieg, reaffirming their commitment to working with the Biden Administration to ensure funding for EV charging, resiliency, and other investments—thanks to the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act—meets the needs of cities. On the heels of the latest IPCC report, Climate Mayors stand ready to implement solutions in their communities to build resilience and sustainability.

“It’s been such an honor to lead CivicWell for almost a decade, developing the CivicSpark AmeriCorps program and the California Adaptation Forum and other impactful programs advancing climate resilience. I am now thrilled to take this experience to lead Climate Mayors at such an exciting time for local leadership,” said Wright. “All across the nation, Climate Mayors are responding to the urgency of climate change by reimagining how we power, build and move throughout cities. These living laboratories are fostering the next generation of solutions that will be replicated across the globe, catalyzing the virtuous cycle of innovation needed to ensure long-term community resiliency and prosperity.”

Climate Mayors and its work to accelerate equitable climate action cities across the country is made possible in great part thanks to Bloomberg Philanthropies. Microsoft has committed to underwrite the annual Climate Mayors symposium, scheduled for June 2, 2022 in Reno, NV. 

About Climate Mayors Representing over 74 million Americans from 48 states, Climate Mayors is a peer-to-peer network of 474 U.S. city mayors who have committed to fighting climate change. Originally founded in 2014 by 3 mayors, the network’s ranks swelled to almost 400 mayors in response to the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement in June 2017. Climate Mayors is committed to accelerating equitable climate action to help each member city achieve their climate goals, while working together city-to-city, with states, and the Biden administration to increase national climate ambition.

For more information, please visit WWW.CLIMATEMAYORS.ORG.

About CivicWell CivicWell, formerly the Local Government Commission, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization supporting sustainable policies and the community leaders who implement them. It inspires, equips, connects, and cultivates leadership for local innovation and community change, especially for leaders responding to the climate crisis and its impacts on their communities. Since 1982, CivicWell has engaged local elected officials, government agencies, and community-based organizations through policy guidance, collaborative partnerships and coalitions, and direct assistance. 

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Press Release Press Release

Mayor Turner, Climate Mayors Call on Congressional Leadership to Pass Federal Legislation that Supports Local Climate Action and Resilient Infrastructure

July 13, 2021 – Today, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, Chair of Climate Mayors, led 146 Mayors from the Climate Mayors network in sending a letter to Congressional leadership calling for the passage of an infrastructure and economic recovery package that supports the critical work of America’s towns and cities to address climate change, create economic opportunity, and confront environmental injustice.In the letter to Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McCarthy, and Minority Leader McConnell, the Climate Mayors lay out their priorities for federal legislation, including:

  1. Prioritize and expand programs where funds flow directly to cities from the federal government.

  2. Prioritize local government-led processes for federal funds that flow to the states to improve inclusivity and accountability.

  3. Ensure that federal programs and funding prioritize disadvantaged communities and allow sufficient administrative and implementation flexibility to meet local needs.

  4. Ensure that federal spending is accompanied by workforce standards that prioritize job quality and equitable access to well-paying high road careers.

“Climate Mayors are committed to rebuilding stronger communities that address structural inequities, create opportunity for hard-working Americans, and tackle an increasingly destabilizing climate. But we cannot create sustainable and resilient cities on our own. We need federal action that includes targeted investments in American cities and towns to build out our nation’s critical infrastructure create a clean energy future that benefits all our communities,” said Mayor Turner.

“In Madison and in cities across the U.S., communities are facing the effects of our changing climate head-on, but we need support from Congress now to overcome barriers, build capacity, and scale solutions,” said Mayor Rhodes Conway, Climate Mayors Co-Chair.  “Every town and city must invest in infrastructure and programs that help build resilience to a shifting climate and act immediately to mitigate against further harm. There is no time to waste; we need Congress to prioritize funding that gives local governments the ability to identify and act on the most effective ways to deploy resources to support resilience in our communities.”

"In Phoenix, we are focused on innovating solutions that protect all of our communities from the serious impacts a changing climate is having on our city," said Mayor Kate Gallego, Climate Mayors Co-Chair. "Yet as severe as the heat is here in Phoenix, my colleagues are dealing with equally challenging problems like flooding in the Midwest or the increasingly damaging hurricanes on the East Coast. Cities face specific challenges unique to their socio-geographical areas, which means we need flexible funding from Congress to solve them. With adequate resources, Mayors and local governments across the U.S. are ready to implement the essential climate solutions that best fit our needs.”

In April, Climate Mayors released a forward-looking report summarizing the key takeaways from the National Dialogue On Green And Equitable Recovery Series and highlighting tangible solutions for a green and just economic recovery in cities across the United States. The report also makes the case for –and lays out how the federal government can be partners in –moving local climate priorities forward. Climate Mayors and its work to accelerate local climate progress across the country is made possible with support by Bloomberg Philanthropies.

The full letter sent to Congressional leadership can be found HERE.

About Climate Mayors

Representing over 74 million Americans from 48 states, Climate Mayors is a peer-to-peer network of 476 U.S. city mayors who have committed to fighting climate change. Originally founded in 2014, the network’s ranks swelled to almost 400 mayors in response to the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. Climate Mayors commit to taking ambitious action to meet each of their cities’ current climate goals, while working together towards achieving our national Paris targets. For more information, please visit WWW.CLIMATEMAYORS.ORG.

Media Inquiries: James Ritchotte,  

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Letters Letters

Local Climate Action and Resilient Infrastructure Letter

146 Mayors from the Climate Mayors network sent a letter to Congressional leadership calling for the passage of an infrastructure and economic recovery package that supports the critical work of America’s towns and cities to address climate change, create economic opportunity, and confront environmental injustice. In the letter to Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McCarthy, and Minority Leader McConnell, the Climate Mayors lay out their priorities for federal legislation.

Read the full letter HERE.

146 Mayors have signed on to the letter

Anchorage, AK- Mayor Davidson Fayetteville, AR- Mayor Jordan Flagstaff, AZ- Mayor Deasy Phoenix, AZ- Mayor Gallego Tempe, ZA- Mayor Woods Tucson, AZ- Mayor Romero Berkeley, CA- Mayor Arreguin Chula Vista, CA- Mayor Salas Cotati, CA- Mayor Moore Fremont, CA- Mayor Mei Goleta, CA- Mayor Perotte Hayward, CA- Mayor Halliday Imperial Beach, CA- Mayor Dedina Long Beach, CA- Mayor Garcia Los Angeles, CA- Mayor Garcetti Oakland, CA- Mayor Schaaf Richmond, CA- Mayor Butt Sacramento, CA- Mayor Steinberg San Diego, CA- Mayor Gloria San Francisco, CA- Mayor Breed San Jose, CA- Mayor Liccardo San Leandro, CA- Mayor Cutter San Luis Obispo, CA- Mayor Harmon San Rafael, CA- Mayor Colin Santa Cruz, CA- Mayor Meyers Santa Monica, CA- Mayor Himmelrich Watsonville, CA- Mayor Dutra West Hollywood, CA- Mayor Horvath Aspen, CO- Mayor Torre Boulder, CO- Mayor Weaver Breckenridge, CO- Mayor Mamula Denver, CO- Mayor Hancock Fort Collins, CO- Mayor Arndt Golden, CO- Mayor Weinberg Telluride, CO- Mayor Young Bridgeport, CT- Mayor Ganim Hartford, CT- Mayor BroninMiddletown, CT- Mayor Florsheim Washington, DC- Mayor Bowser Lewes, DE- Mayor Becker Boynton Beach, FL- Mayor Grant Coral Gables, FL- Mayor Lago Gainesville, FL- Mayor Poe Hallandale Beach, FL- Mayor Cooper Miami Beach, FL- Mayor Gelber Miramar, FL- Mayor Messam Orlando, FL- Mayor Dyer Pensacola, FL- Mayor Robinson St. Petersburg, FL- Mayor Kriseman Tampa, FL- Mayor Castor West Palm Beach, FL- Mayor James Savannah, GA- Mayor Johnson Hawai’i, County of, HI- Mayor Roth Honolulu, City and County of, HI- Mayor Blangiardi Kauaʻi, County of, HI- Mayor Kawakami Maui, County of, HI- Mayor Victorino Boise, ID- Mayor McLean Chicago, IL- Mayor Lightfoot Evanston, IL- Mayor Biss Hoffman Estates, IL- Mayor McCleod Skokie, Village of, IL- Mayor Van Dusen Carmel, IN- Mayor Brainard Fort Wayne, IN- Mayor Henry Indianapolis, IN- Mayor Hogsett Louisville, KY- Mayor Fischer NewOrleans, LA- Mayor Cantrell Beverly, MA- Mayor Cahill Boston, MA- Mayor Janey Gloucester, MA- Mayor Romeo Theken Medford, MA- Mayor Lungo-Koehn Newburyport, MA- Mayor Holaday Northampton, MA- Mayor Narkewicz Somerville, MA- Mayor Curatone Baltimore, MD- Mayor Scott College Park, MD- Mayor Wojahn Greenbelt, MD- Mayor Byrd Laurel, MD- Mayor Moe Takoma Park, MD- Mayor Stewart Ann Arbor, MI- Mayor Taylor Ferndale, MI- Mayor Piana Grand Rapids, MI- Mayor BlissLansing, MI- Mayor Schor Royal Oak, MI- Mayor Fournier Sterling Heights, MI- Mayor Taylor Burnsville, MN- Mayor Kautz Duluth, MN- Mayor Larson Edina, MN- Mayor Hovand Minneapolis, MN- Mayor Frey St. Paul, MN- Mayor Carter Bozeman, MT- Mayor Andrus St. Louis, MO- Mayor Jones Asheville, NC- Mayor Manheimer Chapel Hill, NC- Mayor Hemminger Charlotte, NC- Mayor Lyles Highlands, NC- Mayor Taylor Lincoln, NE- Mayor Gaylor Baird Claremont, NH- Mayor Lovett Dover, NH- Mayor Carrier Manchester, NH- Mayor Craig Nashua, NH- Mayor Donchess Brunswick, NJ- Mayor Womack Secaucus, NJ- Mayor Gonnelli Swedesboro, NJ- Mayor Fromm Albuquerque, NM- Mayor Keller Las Cruces, NM- Mayor Miyagishima Albany, NY- Mayor Sheehan Ardsley, Village of, NY- Mayor Kaboolian Cooperstown, Village of, NY- Mayor Tillapaugh Cortland, NY- Mayor Tobin Dobbs Ferry, Village of, NY- Mayor Rossillo Hastings-on-Judson, Village of, NY- Mayor Armacost Ithaca, NY- Mayor Myrick Kingston, NY- Mayor Noble NewYork City, NY- Mayor de Blasio White Plains, NY- Mayor Roach Cincinnati, OH- Mayor Cranley Columbus, OH- Mayor Ginther Beaverton, OR- Mayor Beaty Eugene, OR- Mayor Vinis Milwaukie, OR- Mayor Gamba Mosier, OR- Mayor Burns Portland, OR- Mayor Wheeler Erie, PA- Mayor Schember Philadelphia, PA- Mayor Kenney Pittsburgh, PA- Mayor PedutoProvidence, RI- Mayor Elorza Charleston, SC- Mayor Tecklenburg Columbia, SC- Mayor Benjamin Chattanooga, TN- Mayor Kelly Knoxville, TN- Mayor Kincannon Austin, TX- Mayor Adler Dallas, TX- Mayor Johnson Houston, TX- Mayor Turner Manor, TX- Mayor Wallace San Antonio, TX- Mayor Nirenberg Salt Lake City, UT- Mayor Mendenhall Alexandria, VA- Mayor Wilson Blacksburg, VA- Mayor Hager-Smith Charlottesville, VA- Mayor Walker Falls Church, VA- Mayor Tarter Mukilteo, WA- Mayor Gregerson Olympia, WA- Mayor Selby Seattle, WA- Mayor Durkan Green Bay, WI- Mayor Genrich Madison, WI- Mayor Rhodes-Conway Middleton, WI- Mayor Brar

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