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Letter: Climate Mayors, C40, and USDN Urge President Biden and Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Shalanda Young, on Fiscal Year 2026 Agency Budget Appropriations Priorities
August 20, 2024
Dear President Biden and Director Shalanda Young:
Local governments are committed to proactively preparing for climate change that avoid and minimize its negative impacts, to rebuilding stronger and better when disasters strike, to mitigating structural inequities, to slashing greenhouse gas emissions, and to building opportunities for Americans to thrive and reach their full potential. These goals require targeted investments in American cities to build out our nation’s sustainable infrastructure, to create well-paying “high road” jobs, and to support a resilient, clean energy future.
As members of Climate Mayors, a bipartisan network of over 350 mayors committed to climate action, the Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN), a coalition of local government sustainability leaders representing more than 320 communities in the US and Canada, and C40 Cities, a global network of nearly 100 of the world’s leading cities, we are writing to share our FY26 appropriations priorities for climate and clean energy programs. On behalf of these national organizations that represent mayors and sustainability offices that are leading on climate action and sustainability, we respectfully ask for your support in making federal funding more accessible for cities that are often capacity and resource constrained. Additionally, we recognize the federal government's budgetary constraints due to the Fiscal Responsibility Act (debt ceiling bill) and hope you consider these requests from our organizations. Local governments play a pivotal role in climate action and the federal government has a crucial role in supporting local governments in their place-based actions to achieve climate resilience. We ask that you review this paper, developed by C40 Cities, Climate Mayors and USDN to illustrate the roles that cities will play in implementing IRA and BIL, identify the tools and resources local governments need to deploy federal climate funds most efficiently and effectively, and recommend what federal agencies, state governments, funders, and climate advocates can do to help.
Remove Barriers to Help Local Governments Confront the Climate Crisis
In the face of frequent and immediate climate emergencies, local governments need funding and support to simultaneously cut greenhouse gas emissions, confront climate hazards, and address long-standing and intersecting issues related to equity, health, and economic opportunity. Thanks to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), historic levels of funding are available for climate action; however, barriers remain for cities that are due to or exacerbated by the design of federal funding programs. We urge the federal government to adopt the following principles, which centers local climate action, and we urge the uptake of these specific recommendations related to individual program areas, to ensure that spending supports, and does not hinder, confronting the climate emergency.
Principles for Federal Support of Local Climate Action
Local governments are ready to meet this moment and build an economy that is inclusive, robust, and sustainable. Therefore, we urge federal agencies to adopt the follow principles to support local climate action:
Prioritize and expand programs where funding flows directly to local governments from the federal government.
Provide clear guidance to states on how to effectively engage local and tribal governments and community organizations in the award of state formula funding, to improve inclusivity and accountability.
Ensure that federal programs and funding (including IRA rebates and tax credits) reach disadvantaged communities and allow sufficient administrative and implementation flexibility to meet their needs, including pre-award flexibility to allow for the use of state and local data that is more up-to-date and in tune with community needs..
Simplify the process, remove administrative hurdles, and provide accessible funding and technical assistance to local and tribal governments and community organizations to ensure they can participate in funding opportunities, including budget allowances for pre-proposal costs for more programs, building on the recently announced and welcome changes to the Uniform Grants Guidance.
Provide technical assistance and other resources for post-award grants management that builds capacity within local governments and provides confidence in the ability to handle additional awards if received.
Ensure that federal spending is accompanied by workforce standards and funding for workforce development that prioritizes job quality and equitable access to well-paying high road careers.
Summary of the FY2026 Budgetary Requests
In addition to the federal government adopting the above principles for federal support of climate action, our organizations recommend the following budgetary requests for the following priority federal programs.
Building Decarbonization
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program
Increase funding for EECBG to $3.1 billion and broaden the scope and definitions within EECBG.
Fund the EECBG program annually.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP)
Renew this direct loan and grant program at $1 billion as initially authorized by the IRA.
Climate Resilience & Hazard Mitigation
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Program
Increase BRIC program funding to $2 billion.
Require FEMA to brief on its current and planned strategies to help state, local, tribal and territorial governments effectively leverage the BRIC program.
Set aside funding to provide technical assistance to communities in the development of building codes, or, where local governments do not have jurisdiction over the building code, other strategies to decarbonize and improve the resilience of buildings.
Allow funding to flow directly to local governments.
Update the program to include heat waves as one of the natural hazards projects can address.
Maintain a streamlined benefit-cost analysis process in competitions where such data is required.
Community-Centered Transportation
U.S.Department of Transportation (DOT) Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program (RCP)
Fund the program at $205 million in FY26 including funding for out-years of current grants and new funding for additional grants.
Renew this grant program at $1 billion annually as initially funded in FY22.
Sustainability Workforce Development
U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Provide additional funding for clean energy, transportation, and green infrastructure projects built with high road labor standards, and additional funding for projects built with domestic content standards.
Provide $500 million to help cities formalize community workforce agreements (CWAs) including support for CWA capacity building (training and technical assistance).
Building Decarbonization
Local governments are uniquely positioned to implement building decarbonization. Building decarbonization is a critical pathway for local governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower energy costs, and provide healthier, more comfortable homes and places of work. We very much appreciate the increased emphasis on energy efficiency programs in the IIJA and the IRA, and we request that you include increases in the following programs.
U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program - $3.1 billion
The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program represents the largest nationwide direct, equitable investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies at the local level in U.S. history. The legacy of the EECBG program provides local communities with consistent funding resources that will increase renewable energy capacity, technical knowledge, and deployment of energy efficiency projects at the local level.
EECBG is one of the most important programs for local sustainability offices, because it is flexible and much of the funding is given directly to local governments. The program empowers local governments to make decisive actions in their communities that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce total energy use and costs, and spur economic growth with the creation and retention of jobs. Communities are able to use EECBG to directly implement their own energy and conservation goals and Climate Action Plans. The continued investments in the EECBG program will rapidly increase local government's capabilities to meet national carbon emission reduction goals while also improving local economies.
Therefore, we ask that you increase funding for EECBG to the ARRA-era funding level of $3.1 billion. We also ask to broaden the scope and definitions within EECBG to allow funding for:
community-based project development and implementation;
water efficiency;,
energy efficiency in building retrofit programs;
decarbonization of transit modes and buildings through electrification;
seed money for finance programs;
training and support services related to jobs;
an oversight mechanism that ensures rapid and equitable distribution of funds; and
the incorporation of labor and community standards for projects.
Finally, we urge you to recommend that the EECBG funding receive annual, permanent appropriations and additional funding for staff at DOE to implement the program. The predictability of funding enables cities to build capacity and plan for future investments and sustained programs.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) - $1 billion
The Green and Resilient Retrofit Program provides grants or loans to landlords of HUD assisted properties serving very low-income families, seniors, and persons with disabilities. Projects can measure energy usage and efficiency, reduce energy use, improve energy and water efficiency, enhance indoor air quality, implement zero-emission strategies, and address climate resilience. This funding is essential to communities as it prepares and protects the most vulnerable residents and properties by reducing their exposure to hazards and by protecting life, livability, and property when disaster strikes. Therefore, we request that this program be renewed at $1 billion as initially authorized by the IRA.
Climate Resilience & Hazard Mitigation
In the face of frequent climate emergencies, local governments need continuous funding to proactively improve community resilience alongside the intermittent funding that comes following a disaster. There is disproportionately more federal funding available for disaster recovery than hazard mitigation, and the funding that is available for recovery is difficult to access and comes with procedural delays and obstacles. Therefore, we recommend additional funding and policy consideration for the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Program.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Program - $2 billion
The national significance of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Program lies in its ability to support states, local governments, tribes and territories across the country as they undertake hazard mitigation projects, reducing the risks they face from disasters and natural hazards.
For the FY 2023 competition, the program received 1,234 sub-applications from every state, 5 territories, and 35 tribes, requesting $5.66 billion in federal cost share funding. However, it was only able to fund 656 projects. We are thankful for these resources and the $1 billion authorized in the IIJA for FY2023. However, as with other grant programs relevant to sustainability, we also know that the program is consistently oversubscribed.
We request that the BRIC program be funded at $2 billion in FY2026, as included in the FY 2025 Appropriations Committee budget and the Homeland Security Appropriations Bill. We also request that additional funds be set aside as part of BRIC (or in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Building Energy Codes Program) to assist communities in the development of building codes or, where local governments do not have jurisdiction over the building code, other strategies to decarbonize and improve the resilience of buildings and other community assets.
Finally, eligible direct applicants for BRIC funding include States, the District of Columbia, U.S. Territories, and Federally Recognized Tribal Governments. This process, while encouraging coordination within a State, also delays the distribution of funding to local communities and poses additional hurdles. We urge you to allow direct funding to local governments with a requirement that they coordinate with and get approval from the State Hazard Mitigation Officer on their projects.
Community-Centered Transportation
Local governments play a crucial role in shaping sustainable transportation systems that benefit their residents and the environment. Federal investments in community-centered transportation and clean mobility initiatives allow local governments to create comprehensive public transit networks, expand cycling and pedestrian infrastructure, reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, enhance accessibility for all residents, and significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions. Ultimately, federal investment in local community centered transportation is vital for creating livable, sustainable urban environments that support both human well-being and environmental goals. Therefore, we suggest additional funding for the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program (RCP) - $1 billion
Federal highway policy in the mid-20th century allowed for the construction of highways where land costs were the lowest or where political resistance was weakest, often cutting through low-income and minority communities. Community members that remained have continued to deal with the impacts of highways, creating a physical barrier to
opportunity and other negative impacts. The DOT Reconnecting Communities Program helps reverse these harmful policies by advancing community-centered transportation connection projects that improve access to daily needs such as jobs, education, healthcare, food, nature, and recreation, and fostering equitable development and restoration. Therefore, we request that this program be funded at $205 million in FY26 to accommodate both ongoing grants in progress and new awards. We also recommend that this program be renewed at $1 billion as initially funded in FY22.
Sustainability Workforce Development
There are not enough contractors and workers available to meet the true need of building retrofits, construction, and clean energy installation to meet local climate goals. Current workforce development programs do not have sufficient scale for the training and reskilling necessary. We recommend that more opportunities be added for low-income and communities of color to benefit from the sustainability job boom and to access high-road, family-sustaining jobs that serve their communities. This is key to meeting just transition goals.
Labor Standards
High road labor standards sit at the intersection of worker rights, social justice, and environmentalism – and they offer a platform to build coalitions that can collectively pursue climate and equity goals with a more inclusive perspective. These standards include family-sustaining wages (i.e., prevailing wages for construction occupations, wage floors for other occupations), employer-provided benefits, career pathways, and safe and healthy working conditions. We request that you provide additional funding for clean energy, transportation, and green infrastructure projects built
with high road labor standards, and additional funding for projects built with domestic content standards through the following programs:
DOT On the Job Training Program,
DOT Public Transportation Technical Assistance and Workforce Development Program,
DOE Advancing Equity Through Workforce Partnerships,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) EPA Brownfields Grant Program, and
EPA Innovative Water Infrastructure Workforce Development Grant Program.
We ask that at least $500 million should be provided through the above mentioned programs to help local governments formalize community workforce agreements (CWAs) between government, labor, and community stakeholders, including support for CWA capacity building (training and technical assistance), facilitated convenings, negotiations and collaborative oversight for such agreements, as well as support for aligning the workforce ecosystem around high road standards.
International Climate Financing
In addition to financing solutions to combat the climate crisis at home, the U.S. has a moral responsibility as a major contributor to climate change to lessen the burden it has passed on to countries who’ve done the least to cause the problem. Many low-and middle-income countries experience greater harm than do rich countries, but they have less wealth with which to repair the damage. Rich countries pledged to provide $100 billion a year by 2020. The US share of this, based on its past emissions, would be $40 billion. The US must, at a minimum, deliver on its commitment to provide climate financing of $11.4 billion per year to the developing world while mainstreaming consideration of climate change across all foreign aid funding. This level of climate finance would not only signal the commitment of the US government to addressing the global climate crisis, but would also spur the growth of green investment and business opportunities for US firms.
We appreciate your urgent consideration of the priorities noted above. Should you be interested in additional priorities and needs of local government needs related to climate and sustainability, please consider C40, Climate Mayors, and USDN as resources and call on us if you need information in this space. Should you have questions, please contact Cynthia McCoy, Urban Sustainability Directors Network Director of Federal Engagement at cynthiamccoy@usdn.org; Kate Johnson, C40 Director of Federal Affairs at kjohnson@c40.org; and Meghan Pazik, Policy Director at Climate Mayors, meghan@climate-mayors.org. .
Kate Johnson, Interim Regional Director for North America, C40 Cities
Cynthia McCoy, Federal Engagement Director, Urban Sustainability Directors Network
Kate Wright, Executive Director of Climate Mayors
Axios: Justin Bibb and Climate Mayors embrace EVs
Why it matters: Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb chairs Climate Mayors, which was established in 2014.
The group believes that wider EV adoption delivers vast benefits, including cost savings, cleaner air, and good-paying jobs in a burgeoning industry.
Driving the news: The nearly 350 mayors also committed to dramatically increasing electric vehicle (EV) chargers in their communities.
Part of the group's pledge is ensuring that 40% of the new charging infrastructure benefits disadvantaged communities.
Between the lines: The pledge is a response to the Biden administration's goal to make 50% of all new vehicle sales electric by 2030.
What they're saying: "I'm excited by our collective commitment," Bibb said in a statement. "Transportation accounts for tons of toxic emissions, and it's up to us to lead by example by prioritizing clean technologies."
Reality check: As of last year, Cleveland's EV registration rate was among the lowest in big cities nationwide.
EVs accounted for only 2.2% of new vehicle registrations in the metro area, up marginally from 1.9% in January the previous year.
The big picture: Ohio plans to spend $169 million in federal dollars to install EV charging stations across the state over the next five years.
EV Info: Mayors Pledge to Electrify 50% of City Fleets by 2030, Increase Charging 500% by 2035
The commitment from nearly 350 US Mayors, as part of the Climate Mayors program, to electrify at least 50% of municipal fleets by 2030 and boost EV chargers by 500% by 2035 is a significant step forward in advancing the adoption of electric vehicles and addressing climate change.
Climate Mayors made the bold announcement for #Electrify50, on August 13, 2024, the second anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The IRA was a part of the the Biden-Harris Administration’s great success in fighting climate change, with the largest and boldest action for climate in US history, including comprehensive support of the fast-moving and exciting EV revolution in America.
It’s impressive how Climate Mayors has evolved over a decade from its inception in 2014. Their new commitment to electrify municipal fleets and expand EV charging infrastructure reflects a strong and sustained effort to address climate change at the local level. By focusing on cleaner air, green jobs, and equitable access to charging, they are setting a powerful example for other cities and communities to follow. This initiative could serve as a model for achieving broader EV adoption and advancing climate goals nationwide.
Semafor: To tear down Biden’s climate legacy, Vance needs to go through Ohio’s mayors
“In my private conversations with Senator Vance, he’s been very supportive of what we’re trying to do,” said Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb, who this week joined a group of 350 other US mayors in committing to electrify half their cities’ vehicle fleet by 2030. “But I’m certainly concerned about the election and the impact it could have. If [Vance] is elected we really hope to talk to him about how to support this.”
Bibb is a Democrat, but Ohio’s mayors have become a bipartisan bulwark in support of the IRA in a state where climate policy is usually much more divisive, said Joe Flarida, executive director of Power a Clean Future Ohio, an advocacy group that guides city governments on how to take advantage of IRA tax credits.
Electrive: 350 US mayors pledge to electrify 50 per cent of their fleets
The Climate Mayors initiative was founded ten years ago by US mayors who see climate change as a serious problem. Now, around 350 mayors from the initiative have formulated the joint goal of electrifying half of municipal vehicle fleets by 2030.
Politico Pro: Can Musk trump EV politics?
Climate Mayors, a bipartisan group of nearly 350 climate-minded city leaders launched in 2014, is behind the commitment. The organization estimated it will put between 80,000 and 100,000 new light- and medium-duty EVs on the road by the end of the decade, as well as deploying 450,000 new chargers.
“Every mayor will tell you that there are three political parties in America: Democrats, Republicans and mayors,” Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb, a Democrat who chairs Climate Mayors, told your ME host.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg expressed the Biden administration’s support for the effort in a statement provided by Climate Mayors.
Politico Pro: US mayors pledge to electrify city fleets
The commitment by the members of Climate Mayors, a bipartisan group of climate-minded city leaders launched in 2014, will put between 80,000 and 100,000 new light- and medium-duty electric vehicles on the road by the end of the decade, the organization estimated.
As part of the agreement, which is first being reported by POLITICO, the mayors also committed to increasing charging infrastructure in their cities by 500 percent by 2035, with at least 40 percent of the benefits going to disadvantaged communities. That could translate to 450,000 new chargers on the streets, according to Kate Wright, executive director of Climate Mayors.
Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb, a Democrat who chairs Climate Mayors, said the commitment is an indication of the bipartisan support for electric vehicles at the local level, even as they become increasingly polarized nationally.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg expressed the Biden administration’s support for the effort in a statement provided by Climate Mayors.
City of Redmond: City of Redmond Joins Nearly 350 U.S. Mayors on New Commitment to Electrify Municipal Fleets
As a member of Climate Mayors – the bipartisan network of mayors from across the United States committed to climate action – Mayor Birney is helping to deliver cleaner air, lower tax bills, and a more sustainable future for all Redmond residents.
"Electrifying municipal fleets and building our charging infrastructure is key to building a green economy in Redmond,” said Mayor Birney. “By investing in sustainable transportation alongside fellow Climate Mayors, we not only reduce emissions, but also lay the foundation for new opportunities for innovation and sustainability in our community."
The Climate Mayors initiative is responding to the growing EV market in cities across the country, with nearly 17 million new fully electric and hybrid vehicles expected to be sold worldwide in 2024. The Climate Mayors network will provide resources to help member cities increase public access to EV charging through building an estimated 450,000 charging ports in cities across the network.
Clean Technica: Major New Commitment from Nearly 350 Mayors to Accelerate US Electric Vehicle Transition
Today, as a part of the 2nd anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, nearly 350 Climate Mayors announced a commitment to electrify at least 50% of municipal fleets by 2030 while increasing electric vehicle (EV) chargers by at least 500%, with at least 40% of the charging infrastructure benefitting disadvantaged communities.
Sending a major market signal to auto and light duty truck manufacturers, the commitment comes on the 10-year anniversary of Climate Mayors, which was first launched in 2014 by three U.S. mayors coming together to galvanize local leaders to act together on climate change. With today’s commitment, the mayors pledged to bring cleaner air and green jobs to their cities by supporting the growth of EVs, investing in infrastructure, increasing public charging stations, and accelerating fleet electrification.
PRESS RELEASE: Climate Mayors Announces Major New Commitment from Nearly 350 Mayors to Accelerate US Electric Vehicle Transition
Mayors pledge to electrify 50% of city fleets by 2030 and increase EV infrastructure by 500% by 2035
EV transition will save taxpayer dollars, improve public health, increase access to charging, and create clean energy jobs, while sending strong market signals to manufacturers
Washington, DC (August 13, 2024) – Today, as a part of the 2nd anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, nearly 350 Climate Mayors announced a commitment to electrify at least 50% of municipal fleets by 2030 while increasing electric vehicle (EV) chargers by at least 500%, with at least 40% of the charging infrastructure benefitting disadvantaged communities. This collective effort is a pivotal move to meet the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal to make 50% of all new vehicle sales electric by 2030. Sending a major market signal to auto and light duty truck manufacturers, the commitment comes on the 10-year anniversary of Climate Mayors, which was first launched in 2014 by three U.S. mayors coming together to galvanize local leaders to act together on climate change. With today’s commitment, the mayors pledged to bring cleaner air and green jobs to their cities by supporting the growth of EVs, investing in infrastructure, increasing public charging stations, and accelerating fleet electrification.
“As a proud former mayor, I have seen the effectiveness of local leaders coming together on a global issue like climate change - and today is a powerful example of that impact,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. “This announcement by nearly 350 mayors to electrify at least 50% of their fleet and increase the number of EV chargers by 500% will deliver a range of benefits: cost savings for residents, cleaner air, and a lot of good jobs. The Biden-Harris Administration is proud to support these mayors in ensuring that the EV revolution plays out on efficient, affordable, and equitable terms for American drivers and American workers.”
“This is what strong local leadership looks like. I am so proud of these mayors. They're driving change in their communities by getting creative with historic federal funding and designing smart policies and new partnerships. By committing to switch to clean energy - they're investing in public infrastructure, cutting harmful tailpipe emissions, growing jobs, and improving the health and safety of their residents. They're delivering what people want and deserve: safe streets, less pollution, and more resilient cities,” said Gina McCarthy, first White House National Climate Advisor, former U.S. EPA Administrator, and Managing Co-Chair of America Is All In.
“As Chair of Climate Mayors, I’m excited by our collective commitment to electrifying 50% of city fleets across the entire network,” said Mayor Justin M. Bibb, Mayor of Cleveland, OH and Chair of Climate Mayors. “Transportation accounts for tons of toxic emissions and it's up to us to lead by example by prioritizing clean technologies. There’s power in numbers, and together we can energize the local green economy while prioritizing access for Black and brown communities through the Climate Mayors commitment.”
“Building on 10 years of climate leadership, Climate Mayors is entering into our next decade with even bolder commitments to address the greatest threat of our time – climate change,” said Kate Wright, Executive Director of Climate Mayors. “Cities have been leading the way on reducing transportation emissions, and our members are committed to doubling down on our commitment to providing clean transportation options for our communities.”
“Today the Climate Mayors continue their leadership in sending clear market signals to OEMs for growing demand for EVs while accelerating the electrification of fleets to reduce emissions and operating costs for municipalities,” said Matt Petersen, Board Chair of Climate Mayors. “This historic commitment to EV fleets and charging builds on the Climate Mayors’ 2017 RFI issued to auto and truck manufacturers showing that 112,000 vehicles across 30 cities worth over $10 billion could be electrified, and the 2019 EV Purchasing Collaborative helping cities to procure EVs and plan for charging infrastructure—as a result, cities are continuing to lead on reducing emissions for healthier communities, creating green jobs, and growing the clean energy economy.”
The U.S. transportation sector is the single largest source of carbon pollution, accounting for 29% of total greenhouse gas emissions; transitioning to electric vehicles has the potential to rapidly decrease the country’s emissions. And there is market momentum in the shift to electrification, with nearly 17 million new fully electric and hybrid vehicles expected to be sold worldwide in 2024. By transitioning municipal fleets to EVs and expanding public charging infrastructure, cities can decrease harmful pollution from internal combustion engine vehicles, create green jobs, save taxpayer money, reduce the country’s dependence on fossil fuels, and foster an environment that encourages consumer choice for electrification beyond municipal fleets. With today’s announcement, Climate Mayors is ensuring cities can effectively respond to EV growth and build infrastructure that encourages widespread adoption of electric vehicles. The commitment also launches around the second anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, a historic piece of legislation for climate action. The pledge will take advantage of the pathbreaking opportunities the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provide to build cleaner, more equitable and prosperous communities.
Climate Mayors will work with its member cities to accelerate municipal fleet electrification and charging infrastructure by providing policy, technical, and analytical resources to achieve these goals. This will include developing formal partnerships with manufacturers and national clean financing institutions funded by the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. These partnerships will bridge the gap between private capital and municipal needs. Climate Mayors will also work with the Biden-Harris Administration and federal agencies to access funding and usher in a new era of clean transportation in cities.
Today’s announcement builds on Climate Mayors’ longstanding commitment to local climate action and advancing accessibility to EVs and EV charging stations in U.S. cities. In 2017, Climate Mayors found that across 30 cities 112,000 vehicles could be electrified, providing a signal to manufacturers on potential increased market demand. In 2019, Climate Mayors launched the EV Pooled Purchasing Collaborative (EV Collaborative) to help cities electrify their fleets and plan for EV charging; since then, over 250 municipalities, counties, transit agencies, port authorities, and colleges and universities have committed to purchasing over 4,000 EVs.
“This commitment to electrification not only underscores our drive for reducing our carbon footprint but also signifies the importance of bipartisan action on climate change, said John Giles, Mayor of Mesa, AZ. “By working together across party lines, Climate Mayors can achieve significant progress toward a safe, sustainable, and prosperous future. Embracing electric vehicles will bring long-term benefits to our community, and we are proud to lead this important transition as a united front."
“Our collective commitment to accelerate electrification of our municipal fleets demonstrates the power of partnership when striving to meet our climate goals,” said Satya Rhodes-Conway, Mayor of Madison, WI and Chair Emerita of Climate Mayors. “With over 100 light duty EVs in our fleet and 62 all-electric buses on the streets in Madison, we’re all about breaking barriers in order to bring cleaner air and green jobs to our cities. Together, with the backing of our federal partners, we’re primed and ready to create new norms for electrification, equity, and local sustainability.”
“Promoting the use of electric vehicles is essential in our efforts to reduce air pollution and lessen the burdens of the climate crisis,” said Barbara Buffaloe, Mayor of Columbia, MO. “With the help of federal grants, we’ve been able to jump start our transition to cleaner transportation options. The City of Columbia is proud to double down on our efforts through this commitment to secure a healthier environment for all our residents.”
“With the transition to electric vehicles comes cleaner air, healthier neighborhoods, and opportunities for people to build careers in the green economy,” said Bruce Harrell, Mayor of Seattle, WA. “In Seattle, we’re taking a multi-pronged approach centered around the needs of our residents and community members to ensure EV use and charging is accessible for all. We are launching dozens of new curbside charging stations, offering rebates for charging in multi-family buildings, and expanding businesses’ use of cargo bikes for urban delivery. These initiatives, driven by the ambitious goals set in Seattle’s Transportation Electrification Blueprint, are driving us towards a cleaner, greener future. In partnership with other Climate Mayors, I am committed to accelerating climate emission reduction, focusing on climate justice for those most impacted by environmental harm, and supporting the resilience of Seattle communities.”
“Electrifying municipal fleets and building our charging infrastructure is key to building a green economy in Redmond. By investing in sustainable transportation alongside fellow Climate Mayors, we not only reduce emissions but also lay the foundation for new opportunities for innovation and sustainability in our community,” said Angela Birney, Mayor of Redmond, WA.
“As Mayor of Fayetteville, I am proud to share our commitment to the adoption of electric vehicles and the expansion of charging infrastructure in our city,” said Lioneld Jordan, Mayor of Fayetteville, AR. Public charging stations are available downtown and our EV access policy standardizes public access on private property. We are actively transitioning our City fleet to EVs, marking a significant step towards reducing our carbon footprint. Federal funding and support is instrumental in accelerating our progress towards achieving our EV goals. Together, with Climate Mayors we are making strides towards a sustainable future, ensuring cleaner air and a healthier environment for our communities.”
“As we commemorate the 10-year anniversary of Climate Mayors, the City of New Orleans reaffirms its dedication to a sustainable and resilient future. By prioritizing electric vehicles (EV), we are not only improving air quality and public health but also serving as a role model in climate mitigation strategies for other cities to follow. Federal funding and support have enabled us to accelerate our City's Climate Action Plan goals to reduce our transportation emissions, making it easier to implement innovative solutions and technologies” said LaToya Cantrell, Mayor of New Orleans, LA. “In recent years, the City of New Orleans has made significant strides towards improving EV infrastructure and ensuring that charging access is equitably spread throughout all neighborhoods. Twenty of the 25 charging station sites that were recently installed by Entergy New Orleans are in disadvantaged census tracts, our public transit system and school systems are receiving federal funds to electrify their bus fleets, and a comprehensive transportation electrification master plan is underway. Working stronger together, we are driving towards a greener, cleaner, and more vibrant New Orleans for generations to come.”
“To achieve our Climate Action Plan goal to reduce community-wide greenhouse gas emissions 45 percent by 2030, the City of Edina is transitioning its municipal fleet to electric, hybrid and biodiesel vehicles in effort to reduce our municipal emissions,” said James Hovland, Mayor of Edina, MN. “With successful implementation of our Green Fleet Policy, Edina has 17 fully electric fleet vehicles, as well as several hybrid and biodiesel vehicles already. Paired with fleet and public EV charging stations, our EV fleet conversions are reducing our municipal transportation emissions.”
“As we strive to combat climate change, embracing electric vehicles citywide is a crucial step forward,” said Ted Wheeler, Mayor of Portland, OR. EVs have historically been a staple of our course of action and we’re thrilled to be supported by Climate Mayors in ramping up ambitions. By reducing our carbon footprint and promoting sustainable transportation, we can ensure a healthier, greener future here in Portland and across the country.”
“As a champion for clean energy, I am proud to support the Climate Mayors' collective network electrification goals. Miami-Dade County is leading by example as we work to electrify our County fleet by 2030, from our daily operations vehicles to our buses. We are currently operating one of the largest zero-emissions electric bus fleets among public transportation agencies in the country. We are also installing EV chargers throughout our community, with a goal of converting 30% of vehicles in our community to electric power by 2030, and we just launched one of the nation’s most aggressive rollouts of shore power at PortMiami, connecting up to five cruise terminals,” said Daniella Levine Cava, Mayor of Miami-Dade. “We know that transportation-related emissions have the largest single impact on climate pollution, and by joining forces with climate-focused mayors across the nation, we can significantly reduce these harmful emissions and create a cleaner transportation system for all.”
About Climate Mayors
Climate Mayors is a bipartisan network that has mobilized more than 750 U.S. mayors since 2014, demonstrating climate leadership through meaningful actions in their communities. Representing 46 states and nearly 60 million Americans, Climate Mayors reflects U.S. cities’ commitment to climate progress. For more information, visit our website and follow Climate Mayors on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Media Contact: climatemayors@fgsglobal.com
Statement: Climate Mayors Condemn Reversal of the Historic Chevron vs. NRDC Ruling - A Major Setback For Environmental Protections
Washington, DC (June 24, 2024) – Today, the conservative supermajority on the Supreme Court ruled 6 to 3 to reverse the Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council ruling – one of the most cited judgements in American law. Agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency have unique technical expertise to inform, carefully consider, and interpret ambiguous laws to protect public health and the environment. This reversal of the Chevron doctrine shifts these regulatory powers back to federal judges who do not have the technical, scientific, medical, or other types of expertise to make thorough rulings.
The impact of this decision could mean the reversal of hundreds of rules that protect air and water pollution, protect people from toxic chemicals, and lessen the worsening impacts of the climate crisis.
In response, Climate Mayors issued the following statement:
“Climate Mayors wholeheartedly condemns this decision as it will upend 40 years of precedence and risk climate and environmental progress during a time where our nation should be making informed decisions to avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis and environmental degradation. Not only does this decision put millions of Americans at risk of dangerous rollbacks to environmental protections, it also undermines the expertise of federal agencies that were established to protect the health of people and the planet.
“Despite this judicial setback, Climate Mayors is proud to be represented by local leaders who are committed to continuing to seek out expertise in decision making and driving cities toward a clean, healthy and climate safe future. Mayors will continue to do everything possible to deliver healthy air to breathe, water to drink, and a thriving green economy to support families and businesses.”
About Climate Mayors:
Climate mayors is a bipartisan network that has mobilized more than 750 U.S. mayors since 2014, demonstrating climate leadership through meaningful actions in their communities. representing 46 states and nearly 60 million Americans, the climate mayors coalition reflects U.S. cities’ commitment to climate progress. For more information, please visit our website and follow Climate Mayors on Twitter and LinkedIn. For media inquiries please contact climatemayors@fgsglobal.com. Media Contact: climatemayors@fgsglobal.com
Letter: Climate Mayors and C40 Cities Fiscal Year 2025 Appropriations Letter
June 25, 2024
The Honorable Charles Schumer, Majority Leader U.S. Senate, S-221, U.S. Capitol Washington, D.C. 20510
The Honorable Mitch McConnell, Minority Leader U.S. Senate, S-230, U.S. Capitol Washington, D.C. 20510
The Honorable Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, U.S. House of Representatives H-232, U.S. Capitol Washington, D.C. 20515
The Honorable Hakeem Jeffries, Minority Leader, U.S. House of Representatives,H-204, U.S. Capitol Washington, D.C. 20515
The Honorable Patty Murray, Chair, U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee, S-128, U.S. Capitol Washington, D.C. 20510
The Honorable Susan Collins, Ranking Member, U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee S-128, U.S. CapitolWashington, D.C. 20510
The Honorable Tom Cole, Chair, U.S. House Appropriations Committee H-307, U.S. Capitol Washington, DC 20515
The Honorable Rosa DeLauro, Ranking Member, U.S. House Appropriations Committee 1036 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515
Dear Speaker Johnson, Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader Jeffries, and Minority Leader McConnell:
First, we want to thank you for your commitment to advancing the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) appropriations legislative packages. We recognize the short-turnaround period between the passage of the FY24 spending packages and beginning of the next appropriations cycle, and appreciate Congressional leadership’s commitment to maintain consistency in the annual appropriations process. As members of Climate Mayors, a bipartisan network of over 350 mayors committed to climate action and C40 Cities, a global network of nearly 100 of the world’s leading cities, we are writing to share our FY25 appropriations priorities for climate and clean energy programs.
The federal government plays a crucial role in supporting local governments in their place-based actions to achieve national, state, and international climate ambitions. Local governments across the United States are hubs of leadership, innovation, and resilience. For decades, local leaders have witnessed what the changing climate means for families, for the economy, and for our nation’s future. That’s why local leaders are focused on deploying people-first solutions and delivering results for the long-term. Localities big and small, are home to nearly 83 percent of Americans and are central to building an economy that is inclusive, robust, and sustainable.
This means dissolving political barriers and working to ensure cities and their residents can benefit from all the climate and clean energy provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the infrastructure investments from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).
Our organizations jointly ask you to consider funding these priority federal programs and additional policy considerations that are vital for continued local climate action:
Supporting and empowering local governments in addressing community energy burdens through direct, flexible funding.
DOE’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office (EERE) –$4 billion DOE’s Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) – $574 million
It is imperative for reducing energy burdens for families across the U.S. to increase federal funding for essential energy efficiency programs. We urge you and your colleagues to appropriate $4 billion, above the President's budget, for the Department of Energy’s EERE Office, along with $574 million for the SCEP Office.
This funding supports the Weatherization Assistance Program, State and Local Government Energy Programs, and Energy Future Grants. Specifically, funding for SCEP provides direct, equitable, investments through the Energy Efficiency and Community Block Grant (EECBG) program. While EECBG received $550 million through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, this program empowers local governments to make decisive actions in their communities that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce total energy use and reduce total energy costs, and spur economic growth with the creation and retention of jobs and should continue to receive funding on an ongoing basis.
Additionally, we urge you and your colleagues to consider providing annual appropriations for EECBG. This program is one of the only formula based, flexible funding streams at the local level. Increasing funding for this program supports local governments in providing essential energy efficiency and weatherization upgrade services to residents.
Increasing the EPA’s core capacities to protect public health and the environment, including increasing funding for environmental justice efforts, staffing, and additional climate-related programs.
The EPA has been under critical funding recessions, leaving the agency at a deficit to administer programs that align with the agency’s core capacities to protect public health and the environment. Major funding recessions have limited the agency’s ability to implement programs that are essential to lifting up communities burdened with polluted air, water, and soil. Therefore, we urge you and your colleagues to appropriate funding at or above the President’s request to ensure EPA’s core agency functions are maintained to further the implementation of IRA and BIL. This includes increasing capacity for EPA’s State Water Revolving Fund, the Office of Air and Radiation, the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights, the Superfund Program, the Electric School Bus Program, and supporting additional staff capacity that could potentially add an additional 2,000 employees to the agency. The EPA is a critical agency and we hope leaders continue the agency’s vital legacy of protecting public health and the environment.
Increasing funding to grow support for climate-resilient infrastructure and update federal response to mitigate against future climate-related disasters.
Homeland Security, FEMA BRIC Program – $2 billion – FEMA’s BRIC program supports states, local governments, tribes, and territories across the country undertaking hazard mitigation projects to reduce the risks localities face from disasters and natural hazards. We urge you and your colleagues to appropriate $2 billion for the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Building Resilience Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program. Addressing wildfires, hurricanes, droughts, extreme heat, and flooding helps make communities more resilient and reduce future costs associated with natural disasters.
Additionally, we urge you and your colleagues to consider the inclusion of H.R. 3965, Extreme Heat Emergency Act, which adds “extreme heat” as an eligible disaster under the STAFFORD Act, in the final appropriations bills. Currently, heat waves are the leading cause of disaster deaths in the U.S., yet they are ineligible from being declared a “disaster” or receiving federal disaster declaration or funding.
Increasing funding to reduce energy burdens and help protect communities of color and low income constituents with increasingly frequent extreme weather emergencies.
LIHEAP – $5.1 billion – There is a paramount need for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to receive full funding as you develop the FY2025 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill. We urge you andyour colleagues to appropriate funding that meets the $5.1 billion maximum authorized amount for LIHEAP1 to help protect communities of color and low income constituents from rising energy costs and extreme weather emergencies.
Supporting funding for climate friendly housing to build new, resilient, and energy efficient affordable housing in cities.
Housing and Urban Development, New Project Based Rental Assistance – $7.5 billion – The affordable housing and climate crises are closely intertwined. Our nation’s aging housing stock is extremely energy inefficient, and disproportionately so in poor neighborhoods who are forced to pay a larger percentage of their household budget on utility costs. We urge congressional leaders and appropriators to invest in funding at or above the President’s budget for rental based assistance contracts to incentivize the development of new climate-resilient affordable housing. These dual crises are particularly acute for people with low incomes and people of color, who are both disproportionately cost burdened and more vulnerable to the effects of climate change. The scale and urgency of the affordability and climate crises requires concerted action from all levels of government, but cities are at the frontlines of climate change.
Avoiding any rescissions from the IRA or BIL – During the FY24 appropriations cycle, there continued to be a push to rescind major funding from the IRA and BIL. This funding is vital to a local government’s ability to provide energy efficiency upgrades for residents, safer and cleaner roadways, and reduce our nation's carbon emissions. However, programs funded through IRA and BIL, such as the Department of Energy’s Building Codes Technical Assistant program, the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program, clean energy tax incentives, DOT’s RAISE grants, DOT’s NEVI and CFI grant programs, and more continue to be targets for Congressional leaders. These vital programs touch every state and Congressional district in the U.S. We urge you and your colleagues to avoid any rescissions of IRA or BIL, as these imperative and comprehensive programs continue to support local and community needs across the country and your districts.
We appreciate your consideration of our organizations’ joint priorities. We appreciate your time and efforts and look forward to opportunities to provide further support on future federal spending bills. If you have any questions or would like to meet to discuss these priorities further, please contact Climate Mayors’ Policy Director Meghan Pazik at meghan@climate-mayors.org and C40 Cities Head of US Federal Affairs Kate Johnson at kjohnson@c40.org.
Kate Wright, Executive Director of Climate Mayors
Kate Johnson, Interim Regional Director, North America for C40 Cities
Statement: Climate Mayors and C40 Cities Call for a FY25 Spending Bill That Invests in Healthy Communities and Addresses Growing Risks of Extreme Heat
Washington, DC (June 24, 2024) – As negotiations for 2025 fiscal year commence on Capitol Hill, Climate Mayors, a bipartisan network of over 350 U.S. mayors committed to climate action; and C40 Cities, a network of mayors of nearly 100 world-leading cities, including 14 cities in the United States, wrote a letter to Congressional and Appropriations leaders urging them to pass a FY25 spending bill that invests in a sustainable and just future for Americans. The organizations also called for the inclusion of the Extreme Heat Emergency Act as extreme heat and record temperatures strike communities across the country.
On behalf of the organizations, Kate Wright, Executive Director of Climate Mayors, and Kate Johnson, Interim Regional Director, North America at C40 Cities issued the following statement:
“With sweltering weather across the country proving the need to address the climate crisis, Congress should prioritize investing in resilient infrastructure, reducing energy burden, and increasing energy efficient housing – all while empowering local governments to address community issues directly. In order to move forward in these ways, Congress must also protect the foundation of today’s green investment – the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).
“Climate deniers continue to attempt to gut the most historic climate legislation ever passed – legislation that is delivering good jobs, reduced costs, and improved health to people all across the country. Mayors and local governments are seeing firsthand how the investments from the IRA and BIL are already boosting local economies and investing in environmental justice communities. From tax rebates on clean home energy to millions in grants for clean energy projects in vulnerable communities, these investments are working for America.
“The future cannot wait – and we cannot ignore the extreme weather events happening today. With heat waves – the leading cause of disaster deaths in the U.S. – sweeping the nation for two consecutive weeks, we also call for the inclusion of H.R. 3965, Extreme Heat Emergency Act, which would add “extreme heat” as a disaster that FEMA could allocate funds for relief. Wildfire smoke and heat waves are only continuing to worsen and without giving FEMA the authority to deliver aid and relief with a federal declaration of disaster, Americans will needlessly suffer.
“We must not only meet this critical moment to invest in the American people and the economy, but also continue the momentum to build more resilient and healthy communities for years to come.”
In the letter, Climate Mayors and C40 Cities called for:
Supporting and empowering local governments in addressing community energy burdens through direct, flexible funding;
Increasing the EPA’s core capacities to protect public health and the environment;
Increasing funding to grow support for climate-resilient infrastructure and update federal response to mitigate future climate-related disasters. And the inclusion of H.R. 3965, Extreme Heat Emergency Act, which adds “extreme heat” as an eligible disaster under the STAFFORD Act, in the final appropriations bills;
Increasing funding to reduce energy burdens and help protect communities of color and low income constituents with increasingly frequent extreme weather emergencies;
Supporting funding for climate friendly housing to build new, resilient, and energy efficient affordable housing in cities; and
Avoiding any rescissions from the Inflation Reduction Act or Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
Read the full letter here.
About Climate Mayors:
Climate mayors is a bipartisan network that has mobilized more than 750 U.S. mayors since 2014, demonstrating climate leadership through meaningful actions in their communities. representing 46 states and nearly 60 million Americans, the climate mayors coalition reflects U.S. cities’ commitment to climate progress. For more information, please visit our website and follow Climate Mayors on Twitter and LinkedIn. For media inquiries please contact climatemayors@fgsglobal.com. Media Contact: climatemayors@fgsglobal.com
About C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group:
C40 is a network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities working to deliver the urgent action needed right now to confront the climate crisis and create a future where everyone, everywhere, can thrive. Mayors of C40 cities are committed to using a science-based and people-focused approach to help the world limit global heating to 1.5°C and build healthy, equitable and resilient communities. We work alongside a broad coalition of representatives from labour, business, the youth climate movement and civil society to support mayors to halve emissions by 2030 and help phase out fossil use while increasing urban climate resilience and equity.The current co-chairs of C40 are Mayor Sadiq Khan of London, United Kingdom and Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr of Freetown, Sierra Leone; three-term Mayor of New York City Michael R. Bloomberg serves as President of the Board. C40’s work is made possible by our three strategic funders: Bloomberg Philanthropies, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation and Realdania.To learn more about the work of C40 and our cities, please visit our website or follow us on X, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Climate Mayors, C40 Cities, and the Urban Sustainability Directors Network Announce Workshops to Catalyze Local Uptake of Federal Climate Funding
Six cities to receive in-depth support for engaging local communities and coordinating city efforts to enact sustainability projects
May 31, 2024 - Today, Climate Mayors, C40 Cities, and Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN), with support from the Rockefeller Foundation, have announced the Catalyzing Local Climate Action Workshop series, an initiative aimed at supporting cities to optimize federal climate funding.
Six cities (Boise, ID; Chicago, IL; Cleveland, OH; Jacksonville, FL; Knoxville, TN; and Los Angeles, CA) have been selected to host mayor-led workshops to advance their ability to access and implement funding made available through the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The workshops will support cities navigating the funding streams, engage community partners, and identify lessons learned to share with other cities seeking federal funding.
With billions of dollars available for climate action through the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, cities have an enormous opportunity to meet this moment by advancing local projects that reduce emissions, improve residents’ health, and build stronger communities. However, due to the complexity of the funding streams, many cities report challenges to taking full advantage of these opportunities. The Catalyzing Local Climate Action Workshop series will help cities navigate and utilize the funding and deliver on the transformative potential to build a greener future.
Over the next year, the selected cities will receive tailored workshops customized to their specific needs and priorities. The mayor-led workshops will address challenges within internal city organization and broader community engagement around federal climate funding opportunities.
The workshops will be facilitated by national subject matter experts who will provide technical assistance and guidance. Cities will receive additional follow-up support aimed at connecting local leaders with further technical assistance opportunities to ensure sustained progress and implementation of activities identified during the workshops.
For any questions, please contact:
Nidhi Shashidhara
US Federal Affairs Project Officer, C40 Cities
Climate Mayors Joins 125 Affordable Housing, Consumer, Health, Energy Efficiency, Environmental, Business, and other Organizations On Letter to FHFA re Support for Energy Efficiency Building Codes
The 125 undersigned affordable housing, consumer, health, energy efficiency, environmental, business, and other organizations at the national, state, and local levels urge the FHFA to direct the Government Sponsored Enterprises, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, to join the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) in requiring that all new homes with mortgages backed by the Enterprises meet updated building energy code requirements.
Read the full letter and recommendations therein HERE.
Action for the Climate Emergency (ACE), Allendale County ALIVE, Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), American Lung Association, Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund, ARCH Community Health Coalition, ASHRAE, Bread of Life CDC of La, Brunswick County Habitat, Building Electrification Institute, CASA of Oregon, cdcb | come dream. come build., Center for Responsible Lending, Ceres, Change the Chamber*Lobby for Climate, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, Climate Action California, Climate and Community Project, Climate Equity Working Group, Climate Mayors - Kate Wright, Executive Director, Climate Psychiatry Alliance, Climate Stick Project, Collaborating Voices Foundation, Common Roots, Community Ventures, Connecticut Citizen Action Group, Consumer Action, Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Watchdog, Damascus Outreach Association Inc, Dance With Todd Inc, Dandelion Energy, Earth Advantage, Earth Ethics. Inc, Earthjustice, ENERSTRUCTA, Enterprise Community Partners, Ethical Capital Investment Collaborative, Evergreen Action, E2, Family Resources of New Orleans, Fauquier Habitat for Humanity, Frontier Housing Corporation, Full Spectrum Labs, Gary E. Hanes & Associates, LLC, Green & Healthy Homes Initiative, Green America, Green Builder® Coalition, Green Projects Group, Habitat for Humanity of Bulloch County, Habitat for Humanity of Wisconsin River Area, Heart House Inc., Highland Community Builders, Homes and Hope Community Land Trust, Housing Assistance Council, Housing Development Alliance, Inc., Housing Options & Planning Enterprises, Inc., Housing Sustainability Advisors, Institute for Market Transformation, Integrated Community Solutions, Inc, Intentional Endowments Network, Interfaith Housing and Community Services, ISAIAH (MN), Just Solutions, League of Conservation Voters, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Local Initiatives Support Corporation, Maine People's Alliance, MHP, MICAH- Metropolitan Interfaith Council on Affordable Housing, Michigan Climate Action Network, Michigan Energy Efficiency Contractors Association (MEECA), Michigan Environmental Council, Mid-Missouri Peaceworks, Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, MSCCH, National Community Reinvestment Coalition - NCRC, National Consumer Law Center (on behalf of its low-income clients), National Electrical Manufacturers Association, National Environmental Health Association, National Housing Law Project, National NeighborWorks Association, Network for Oregon Affordable Housing, New York Geothermal Energy Organization, Next Step Network, North American Insulation Manufacturers Association, Northwest Kansas Housing, Inc., NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council), Our Spring Lake Store, LLC, Oxfam America, PathStone Corporation, Pennsylvania Utility Law Project, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Prelude Coast Construction, Public Citizen, Rebuilding Together Henry County, Regional Housing Legal Services, Revolving Door Project, Rewiring America, Rise Economy, RMI, Rural Housing Opportunities Corp., San Francisco Bay Physicians for Social Responsibility, San Joaquin Valley Housing Collaborative, Santa Cruz Climate Action Network, SEEDS Ecology and Education Centers, Seventh Generation Interfaith Coalition for Responsible Investment, Sierra Club, Sisters of St. Francis Dubuque, IA, South Carolina Appleseed Legal Justice Center, Southside Community Development & Housing Corporation, Southwest Energy Efficiency Project, The Center for New York City Neighborhoods, Inc., The Housing Assistance Corporation, The People's Justice Council, The Phoenix Group, THIS! Is What We Did, Under Gods Care Inc, U.S. Green Building Council, U.S. PIRG, "We Are Your Neighbors" Speakers Bureau, ZeroCarbonMA, 350Hawaii, 350 Yakima Climate Action
E&E News: Cities are buying EVs in bulk for government fleets
“Most cities have taken the approach of ‘Let’s be as ambitious as possible and start to socialize and change the norms around light-duty and medium-duty vehicles,'” said Kate Wright, executive director of the nonprofit group Climate Mayors.
Climate Mayors has worked with the Electrification Coalition, another nonprofit, to set up a purchasing cooperative for cities that are looking for electric models. That’s important for smaller municipalities that may not have the staff or the time to search for EVs.
Statement: Climate Mayors and C40 Cities Applaud the Climate and Health Benefits for Cities from the EPA’s Final Power Plant Rule
April 25, 2024 – Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) adopted a final rule that sets limits on carbon emissions from existing coal-fired and new gas-fired power plants. These standards will reduce carbon pollution and other harmful pollutants, which will help to protect public health and address the disproportionate impact of pollution on historically underserved communities.
The EPA’s final rule will help the United States achieve its goal of reducing national carbon emissions by 50-52% by 2030. As the second largest source of carbon dioxide pollution nationally, limiting emissions from the electric power generation sector is critical to address climate change and reach our national targets. The new standards for power plants will reduce harmful pollution such as nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and particulate matter (PM2.5), while strengthening the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) for coal-fired power plants and reducing hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions. This will not only address climate impacts but will improve public health, avoiding more than 360,000 cases of asthma symptoms in 2035 alone.
Local governments and their community partners have been leading the effort to set ambitious emissions reduction targets and address the existence of harmful pollutants. In 2023, Climate Mayors and C40 Cities called on the EPA to adopt ambitious standards. Cities such as Madison, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and Cleveland have created climate action plans to control carbon emissions and transition to cleaner energy solutions. Our members are also committed to addressing the disproportionate impact of carbon pollution and pollutants on historically underserved and overburdened communities. The EPA’s latest emissions limits will help cities achieve their climate goals and ensure cleaner air for all communities.
“Today’s rule from the EPA is a much-needed measure to tackle air pollution in our communities and improve the health and safety of our residents,” said Kate Wright, Climate Mayors’ Executive Director. “With stronger pollution limits, our country will shift away from dangerous fossil fuels to clean energy solutions that are better for our economy and health. We welcome the EPA’s rules, which will undoubtedly strengthen the existing efforts of mayors and local leaders to create cleaner, healthier, and more thriving cities across the U.S. Climate Mayors remains committed to working with the EPA to continue reducing planet-warming emissions while addressing the impacts of air pollution on our communities.”
“Too often, lower income and communities of color bear the brunt of pollution, and suffer the most devastating impacts of extreme weather exacerbated by carbon emissions,” said Kate Johnson, Head of US Federal Affairs for C40 Cities. “The EPA’s final rule on power plant emissions is a major step forward in our shared work to improve the health, safety, and quality of life for millions of Americans.. Along with leading mayors across the country, C40 Cities looks forward to building on this rule to ensure clean air for all.”
Statement: Climate Mayors and C40 Cities Shine a Light on EPA's $7B Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Announcement for Expansion of Local Solar Investment
April 22, 2023 – On this Earth Day, Climate Mayors and C40 Cities celebrate the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) award of another US $7 billion from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). The funding adds to the recent announcement of $20 billion for clean energy projects. This final tranche of funding from the Solar For All program has been granted to 60 state, territory, Tribal government, municipality, and nonprofit awardees to help enable over 900,000 low-income households to access affordable, resilient, and clean solar energy.
The unprecedented program specifically directs funding for states, territories, Tribal governments, municipalities, and nonprofits to support low-income and disadvantaged communities to invest in residential solar power. As cities account for nearly 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions, providing access to affordable clean energy is critical to both local and global emissions reductions goals.
There is no climate progress without climate justice. Low-income and disadvantaged communities have disproportionately higher energy burdens than the national median. The EPA’s work to support communities and their clean energy transition is vital in securing an equitable and healthy future for all. We look forward to seeing localities activate billions of dollars to deploy community solar projects and close the gap for accessing solar energy.
“Clean energy is a key component to addressing climate change and increasing community resilience. The new Solar For All funding will support historically overburdened communities with clean, affordable, and reliable energy to power a healthier and more sustainable future for American families,” said Kate Wright, Executive Director of Climate Mayors. “We are excited to support our mayors to meet this moment and put this unprecedented funding into action.”
“Funding from the EPA’s Solar For All program will transform lives in cities across America.” said Kate Johnson, Head of US Federal Affairs at C40 Cities. “Projects funded by this program will help alleviate the burden of high utility bills for lower income households and create good jobs - all while slashing climate pollution. We look forward to working with mayors to implement clean energy projects and build a stronger, more inclusive future for all.”
Climate Mayors Board of Directors Welcomes Three New Members and Thanks Outgoing Member Roger Kim
Climate Mayors wishes to express gratitude to our outgoing board member Roger Kim who served on the board from 2017-2023. His leadership has played a pivotal role in shaping the direction of our organization, and their impact will undoubtedly leave a lasting legacy. Roger Kim was the former Senior Advisor to the Mayor of San Francisco where he was responsible for issues related to climate change, energy, and the environment, and also served on the Board of Directors of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Currently, he is the Executive Director of the Climate + Clean Energy Equity Fund. His valuable insights and commitment to our mission have been instrumental in guiding Climate Mayors, and we are grateful for the time and energy he dedicated to our cause.
As we extend our sincere appreciation for the passion and expertise Roger Kim brought to the table, we also look ahead with excitement and optimism. We are thrilled to welcome new members to our executive board. Their diverse perspectives and wealth of experience will undoubtedly contribute to the continued success and growth of our organization.
The Climate Mayors Board of Directors welcomes the following board members:
Kizzy Charles-Guzman: Kizzy Charles-Guzman is the Chief Executive Officer of the Center for Environmental Health. Her team protects people from toxic chemicals by working with communities, consumers, workers, government, and the private sector to demand and support business practices that are safe for public health and the environment. Kizzy has dedicated over 18 years of her career to deliver policy work at the intersection of environmental sustainability, public health, and racial equity on behalf of New Yorkers. Previously, Kizzy has advised three New York City Mayors in her career; successfully securing over $4 billion dollars in investments to uplift historically underserved and marginalized neighborhoods. She received the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Quality Award and a Champion of Change Award from the U.S. White House under President Obama, in recognition of her policy achievements, her contributions to society, her focus on justice, and her dedication to her community. She is a graduate of Carleton College and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.
Jeff Hébert: A former senior city official and current global thought leader in economic revitalization and climate policy, Jeff Hébert is the CEO of HR&A Advisors, overseeing the company’s strategic direction and operations across its six offices. Jeff has spent his career developing strategies that adapt and respond to changing economies and environments. Over the past twenty years, he has advised corporations, governments, non-profits, and philanthropies on issues of public policy, economic development, and climate resilience. Since joining the firm in 2019, Jeff has served on the firm’s Management Committee and since 2020 as HR&A’s President, where he was critical to the historic growth of the company’s business and number of employees. He has also been a leader in the firm’s economic development and climate resilience practices with recent projects in New York City, Newark, Los Angeles, Houston, Miami, New Orleans, Dallas, Tulsa, and Washington, DC. Before joining HR&A, Jeff served Mayor Mitch Landrieu and the City of New Orleans in many capacities including as the First Deputy Mayor & Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Resilience Officer, and as Executive Director of the New Orleans Redevelopment Authority in the years following Hurricane Katrina.
Rachel Isacoff: Rachel Isacoff is a Director at The Rockefeller Foundation where she leads the Foundation’s domestic climate solutions work and specializes in bridging economic opportunity and climate equity in the U.S. Outside of RF, she is a council member of the Climigration Network and is a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Pratt Institute’s Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment. Previously, she collaborated with private, nonprofit, and public partners across sectors to develop tools and equity initiatives that support communities on the frontlines of climate change. Most notably she worked on climate adaptation and 100 Resilient Cities strategies at HR&A Advisors, key climate justice and equitable relocation projects at the White House Council on Environmental Quality under President Obama’s administration, and energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions at HUD.
They will join Board Chair Matt Petersen and Board Members Katherine Gajewski, Kelly Shultz, and Laura Spanjian. We extend a warm welcome to our incoming board members and we are confident their insights and leadership will further elevate our organization and propel us towards new heights. Together, we will continue to make a positive impact on the lives of those we serve.
Thank you to Roger Kim for your outstanding service, and a warm welcome to our new leaders. With your support, we look forward to achieving even greater milestones in the coming years.
Smart Cities World: The EV boom is here, and mayors are taking the wheel
Mayor of Madison and and Chair Emerita of Climate Mayors, Satya Rhodes-Conway, says the time is now to leverage unprecedented federal funding to ensure a clean transportation future.